Abordagem CTS e a alfabetização científica: implicações para as diretrizes do programa ciência na escola
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The scientific and technological literacy emerges in the educational context with the
development of the STS movement, based on the idea of allowing citizens to participate in
discussions on the conduct of science and technology in society. The practice is widely
supported by those who aim at the formation of autonomous individuals with the basic
domain of scientific and ethical knowledge; they can participate in decisions involving the
state and the S & T policies. In this sense, our research has focused on understanding how the
Science Program in schooling PCE contributes to the formation of students scientifically
literate, from projects developed in Manaus city schools in 2014. To do this we divided the
work in two stages, the first characterized by the application of VOSTS questionnaire
(Aikenhead, 1992) and the bibliographic research. The second stage was based on content
analysis of scientific technical reporting (Bardin, 1977) and of the objectives proposed in the
works selected in the light of the ideas advocated in Bloom's Taxonomy (2001). We also
conduct the questionnaire application with open questions to the teachers who participated in
the PCE and have had their projects selected for analyzes of this work with a view to know
their views on the CTS interaction. The results allows us to show that possibly the projects
developed in schools turn away from the idea of questioning, reflection and critical issues that
deserve to be discussed in our view, on Science and Technology, so that they may be entering
students in the debate on the implications of these two fields of knowledge nowadays.
Implications for the PCE proposes to bring students to scientific literacy and thereby develop
the ability to participate in scientific and technological development in the regional scenario,
we find that the projects develop still laden with traditional assumptions about science, based
on the transmission content and demonstration experiments, these activities, which in our
view, distance themselves from the ACT assumptions widely disseminated in the educational
environment and adopted by our work. However, the Program is believed one of the steps for
initiation of students in scientific circles, allowing that develops among the participants the
ability to follow the scientific career
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