A escola, seu entorno e os espaços não formais : possibilidades de diálogos sobre meio ambiente

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This study has as main objective to analyze the contributions that an action plan with activities at school, in your surroundings and in non-formal settings, can provide for the expansion of social representations of students of final years of primary education on the environment. The research was conducted during the 1st half of 2015, with the teachers participating subjects and 9th grade students of a school in the municipal Manaus. It was divided into three steps: Identifying the social representations of students about the environment, implementation and evaluation of the action plan and the verification of post-activities representations. Alongside these steps, it is also verified the social representations of teachers and analyzed the environmental agendas and school projects adopted by the education department. The theoretical basis was sustained us Astolfi texts (1997, 1998), Bachelard (1996), Fleck (2010), Giordan (1996), Pozo and Crespo (2009) and a collective of researchers that deal from the perspective of a Critical Environmental Education, including Carvalho (2008), Guimarães (2004), Layrargues (2002, 2012), Loureiro (2012, 2013), Reigota (1995, 2006). The methodological approach of qualitative approach, was subsidized by action research, using techniques such as data collection participant observation, questionnaire and document analysis. Through content analysis technique, it was found that the initial representations of students, teachers and school documents back only to the understanding of environment linked to natural features, which features a conservationist thinking style. After the development of activities with students, we see the expansion of the representations thereof, relating environment not only the natural aspect, as the political, social, ethical and economic, which allows a look geared to nature and society.





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