Pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências: proposta tecnológica para definição de projetos no contexto do programa de apoio à iniciação científica

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In the current stage of the teaching of Sciences, three facts may be emphasized. First, despite the development of the teaching of Sciences as an area of expertise with its own theory and methodology, new trends are not automatically incorporated into the training of teachers who, for example, are not encouraged to search. Secondly, the large volume of research in science in general and in teaching of Science, in particular, has not driven the search for solutions to problems facing education, offering approaches not always suited to the reality of the Amazon region. Thirdly, the use of information technology has shown ample educational opportunities, both for storage and for data processing, but there are no guarantees that the physical presence of the hardware leads to immediate advances in education if teachers, students and administrators do not dominate this technological resource. This research investigated how a potential integration research-education could influence the perception and solution of the diary problems of teaching of Sciences. So, following objects were defined for analysis: scientific research program (PROFIC) developed by scholarship students of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), within the area of teaching of Sciences, and interviews with teachers of the public schools in the city of Manaus. These scholarship students were teachers in training in various degrees, and the issues raised in these projects could be faced with the point of view of Sciences` teachers about their own pedagogical practice. Analysis of these data showed much agreement on what was perceived as a difficulty for researchers and teachers. To improve integration between research and teaching, the study suggested guidelines for educational topics not covered in current researches. Research projects from undergraduate students would be more integrated with local reality. A computational system is presented as a tool to stimulate and reorder this work to integrate and disseminate research in teaching Sciences: the so-called information system on research in teaching in Sciences at Amazonas (SIPEC- AM).





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