O ensino de Ciências e a relações com a sociedade e a tecnologia no 3º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola de educação integral
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present research portrays the reality of a public school inserted in a community of peripheral area in the district of São Geraldo, in Manaus, that assumes practices of transformation from the changes in its educational and social context. This school develops pioneering works, of a pedagogical nature, as it is guided by the proposal of integral education, with a view to a democratic, welcoming and quality education, which values the student as a singular historical subject and of rights. The presentation of the presented education stimulated our investigation based on the question of research: The students of the 3rd year of elementary school of a school of integral education learn Sciences considering the relations with the technology and society? As a consequence, we analyze the process teaching science learning of the students of the 3rd year of Elementary School and its relations with technology and society. The research path consisted of the qualitative approach, bibliographic research, in situ observation and use of procedures (interview, talk and workshop) and use of the instruments (field diary, interview script, voice recorder and camera) for data collection. The analysis of the data occurred continuously in function of the narrative and dialectical character, contextualizing the conceptions of Science in the light of Pierre Bourdieu and the theoretical and practical approach of teaching of science, technology and society in the field of integral education. Finally, we conclude that the educational experiences found in the school context regarding the teaching-learning process are configured as meaningful and coherent with the development of pedagogical practices that contemplate the educational needs of the students of the 3rd elementary school.
Keywords: Science Teaching; Technology and Society; Integral Education
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