O estudo da cadeia alimentar como facilitador da alfabetização científica em crianças do 1º ano do ensino fundamental
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Several biological and ecological processes have been interrupted in nature; this leads to a
series of imbalances in natural ecosystems. Energy flows are important in food chains.
Therefore, teaching these processes and promoting the Scientific Literacy (AC) since the first
grade in elementary school is extremely important for the preservation of the planet. In the
Amazon, there are numerous elements of which may be used to work with AC, one of them is
the " harpy eagle" (Harpia harpyja) which is the largest bird of prey in the Amazon and is at
the top of the food chain. Our research aims to study the food chain as a facilitator for
Scientific Literacy for first graders. This is a qualitative and participatory research , with a
deductive approach. It was carried out with three teachers and 67 students attending the first
grade in a public a school in the City of Manaus - AM. Data collection took place at the
school and in two non-formal spaces: INPA Science of Forest and CIGS Zoo. The evaluation
of the scientific literacy process was through practical activities in which the students
expressed the knowledge acquired during the lessons. It was possible to identify AC
indicators in the speeches, games, child play and drawings of the students. Teachers
understand this process as something that takes place beyond the classroom, in this way, they
develop experimental activities for proportioning these activities. The study on the theme of
the food chain presents itself as a promoting content of the AC as it is contextualized with
elements of the culture of the students. School excursions are an important tool to help with
this AC process in children
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