Museu do seringal Vila Paraíso e as possibilidades para o ensino de ciência: a percepção da malária por estudantes do ensino fundamental

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research presents a reflection on the Seringal Vila Paraiso Museum, from its educational dimension to the contextualized teaching of Science, in order to discuss some scientific practices in Manaus, Amazonas, in the passage from the 19th to the 20th century. the scenario of the city of Manaus was dominated by the economy derived from rubber extraction. Based on the perspective of the History of Science, we sought to broaden the interpretation of the themes related to science from the artifacts and space of the Seringal Museum, revealing the interrelationship between the conditions experienced by rubber seringueiros and the prevalence of diseases such as especially malaria. Thus, the approach points out some possibilities of articulating science teaching and the historical dimension of scientific thought to the artifacts and diseases prevalent among rubber tappers, in order to facilitate the understanding of science to students of Basic Education, especially those of Elementary School public network. This is a qualitative, phenomenological research with an ethnographic strategy, aiming to understand the social-historical space of the Seringal Vila Paraiso Museum, from a phenomenological perspective, articulating science education with perceptive experiences about malaria , with elementary school students. Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology applied to the teaching of Natural Sciences made it possible to know the students' perceptions as explanatory ideas, based on sensory experiences, which can be widely reflected, enhancing the expansion of the intellectual functions. In this sense, the realization of pedagogical practices, geared to the teaching of science through the bias of phenomenology, instigated us to suggest the broadening of the understanding of the relations between the individual and the environment, as well as the interpretation of the health condition or illness in the dynamics of its complexity, through drawings, speeches and graphic records, thoughts and intentions related to the phenomena experienced.





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