Projeto de uma Micro Central de Ciclo Rankine Orgânico para geração de 150 kW de Eletricidade
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
It is noticeable that for the generation of energy in places of difficult access, as in small municipalities, there is a great dependence on the use of fossil fuels, which entails great damages for the environment. Faced with these facts have sought technologies for the use of renewable energy and exploitation of low temperature energy sources.
In this work the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is presented, which has great potential for the use of low temperature energy sources. Initially a ORC modeling is done for the main components, boiler, turbine, condenser, pump and ORC efficiency.
After the modeling of the components, we have investigated organic fluids that are common in the ORC, which are R114, R11, R124, n-Pentane, R600, R290, R134a, R600a, R245fa, R141b, for these fluids their thermodynamic performances were compared. However, for the final choice of the fluid it was considered some other factors such as global warming potential, ozone depletion potential, among others.
It is also created with the help of the EES a small application that from input cyclerelated data such as heat source temperature, organic fluid, evaporation and condensation temperature, desired power, isentropic efficiencies of the turbine and pump, the application returns the fluid properties at the major points of the cycle, the mass flow rate of the required fluid, the turbine and pump powers, the rate of heat enters the fluid and is released by the fluid, it also provides the thermal and exergetic efficiency of the cycle.
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