Dimensionamento e implementação de um sistema fotovoltaico como fonte geradora complementar de energia elétrica em uma residência de alto consumo em Manaus

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The objective of this work is the creation and implementation of a photovoltaic energy generation system using solar panels installed in a high consumption residence in Manaus-AM. The theme was explored firstly studies on the components used on grid-connected photovoltaic systems and on standard rules about energy charges and energy excess exchange for credits for the residence bill, meaning, its the theoretical foundation for the development of the project. After a literature review based, there was a plan of action to the process of the methodology used, treating of detailed specifications of the materials used and of the professional software used. For implementation of the assembly of the photovoltaic system. and the last do the payback time and results were analysed. Showing how it is possible to install generating plants in any houses. The assembly of the components of the generating plant went accordingly to the diagrams, always fulfil the rules and also to the knowledge base specify literature. Finally, on the conclusion, the assembly of the generating plant was proved successful, just as the calculation of the economic and social gain.





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