Predição de consumo de bateria de usuário 5G em ondas milimétricas por agregação de portadora e uso da CPU
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
5G brings a significant advancement in bandwidth extension through the use of millimeter waves (mmWave). Previously impractical services such as eMBB, URLCC, and mMTC
can be applied with QoS and QoE for users connected to the network. The mmWave bandwidth
expansion is enhanced with MIMO and CC schemes to meet various end-user demands.
However, the primary limiting factor for high data rates under ideal transmission conditions
is the CPU processing capacity and power consumption of the UE, which can reach critical
levels more quickly leading to user disconnection. Under critical levels of CPU processing
in the UE, this work presents an estimation model to determine CPU usage growth in the
UE based on network resources, such as the number of carrier components (CC) and their
supported data rate transfer. Thus, the correlation of this estimate with battery current consumption is evaluated in terms of discharge prediction, allowing for anticipation of network
rate adaptation via CC for extending UE battery life.