Memórias de lutas Quilombolas na Amazônia: considerações à partir de personagens da coletânea “Narrativas quilombolas”
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This article presents an overview of quilombola articulations in the Amazon, based on three trajectories of quilombola leaders highlighted in the collection “Quilombola Narratives”4, from the “New Social Cartography of the Amazon - PNSA” program. The three trajectories chosen are of characters from the state of Maranhão, namely: Leonardo dos Anjos, Maria Nice and Ednaldo Padilha. Their trajectories help to illuminate the existence of these communities and their own expressions of a “social movement” in this part of the Amazon. Built based on a methodology of readings, records and analysis of the contents of the three collections, the study reveals that the trajectory of the movement since the late 1970s. One of the indications of these trajectories is the observation that the maranhense quilombolas are constituted on the basis the conviction that it is through social struggle and collective demands that those communities will have their rights realized in practice. With this conviction, the movements developed numerous collective action strategies, among which are the occupation of public bodies. With this, they connect and establish channels of dialogue and mediation with other actors external to their realities, in addition to rearticulating themselves between spheres of “the same” quilombola movement.
MONTEIRO, Wendel Mendes. Memórias de lutas Quilombolas na Amazônia: considerações à partir de personagens da coletânea “Narrativas quilombolas”. 2023. 28f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura Plena em História) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2023.