Uso prejudicial de álcool:significações produzidas por profissionais de saúde e indígenas Mayuruna/Matsés do Vale do Javari no Amazonas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research is linked to line 1: Society, State, Culture and Public Security, of the Postgraduate Program in Public Security, Citizenship and Human Rights, at the State University of Amazonas. This is interdisciplinary research, involving various fields of human knowledge, such as anthropology, psychology and social work, which were put into critical dialogue, from a historical-cultural process perspective. This dissertation research aimed to investigate the psychosocial aspects of the harmful use of alcohol among the Mayuruna/Matsés indigenous people on the border of Aldeia Lago Grande through the study of the meanings attributed to this phenomenon, in the Vale do Javari Indigenous Land, in Atalaia do Norte, Amazonas, aiming to develop intersectoral actions to promote health and public safety in the region. The methodology used in this research was the deductive method. With a qualitative approach, the theoretical-methodological assumptions were based on historical-dialectic materialism and socio-historical psychology. The research subjects were 10 (ten) indigenous participants, 04 (four) women and 06 (six) men, including farmers, housewives, students, communicators and indigenous leaders with ages ranging from 22 (twenty-two) to 52 (fifty-two years. It is also made up of 11 (eleven) health professionals, including a dental surgeon, biochemical pharmacist, psychologist, nutritionist, geologist, nursing technician and endemic disease control agent, with ages ranging between 25 (twenty-five) and 47 (forty and seven) years. The associated practices and the traditional way of drinking of the Matsés appear in social spaces as collective work with common goals among indigenous people committed to reciprocal efforts. However, the harmful use of alcohol in the village affects the entire community, which leads people to develop crises due to the harmful use of alcohol, generating violence of all types among indigenous family members and indigenous health professionals. It is noteworthy that the interdisciplinary approach and understanding cultural meanings are essential for promoting public health and safety in this community. The need to strengthen collaborative strategies between professionals from different areas is evident, as well as to include indigenous people themselves as active agents in the health promotion process. Therefore, the lack of research in the area of social work is reiterated. Finally, this research highlights the importance of presenting the perspectives of both indigenous people and professionals involved on the harmful use of alcohol and highlights the complexity of the issue in Vale do Javari.



DANTAS, Francisco Takmony Fernandes.Uso prejudicial de álcool: significações produzidas por profissionais de saúde e indígenas Mayuruna/Matsés do Vale do Javari no Amazonas. 2024.243 f. Dissertação - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Segurança Pública, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos – PPGSP Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus



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