Sistema de monitoramento de sinais com ênfase na análise da ausculta pulmonar

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Pulmonary auscultation is an ancient technique that involves analyzing the sounds emitted by the lungs during respiration, playing a fundamental role in clinical evaluation and the diagnosis of respiratory conditions. Despite its simplicity and effectiveness, conventional auscultation practice can be limited by the lack of tools that enable continuous monitoring, especially in patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Therefore, regular monitoring of these signals becomes crucial for early diagnosis and effective management of clinical conditions, contributing to an improved quality of life for patients. This work presents the development of an integrated hardware and software system that incorporates biomedical instrumentation principles with automation, providing a technological solution for the supervision of patients with potential respiratory disorders. The developed prototype uses sensors to capture pulmonary signals, processes and filters the data, and transmits it to an application, facilitating the interaction between patients and healthcare professionals. Additionally, the system allows for the creation of patient histories and remote monitoring, making it a promising tool for use in both clinical and home environments.



GOMES, Luana Ribeiro. Sistema de Monitoramento de sinais com ênfase na análise da ausculta pulmonar, Manaus, 2024. 74f. TCC - (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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