A orientação sexual como tema transversal na prevenção de vulnerabilidades no Ensino de Ciências

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


In addressing the topic Sexual Orientation, we seek to consider sexuality as something inherent to life and health that is expressed in humans over their physical, psychological, social and spiritual, through the right to enjoyment and exercise of sexuality with respect and dignity. This study aimed to identify the extent to which cross-thematic approach to sexual orientation using the strategy of educational workshops, influenced by the knowledge and attitudes to prevent sexual violence and pedophilia on the Internet, students in a public school in the city of Itacoatiara interior of Amazonas. For this purpose were assessed 122 students, 63 men and 59 women, aged 11 to 14 years. Were used as instruments for data collection, the likert scale of attitudes and knowledge of two questionnaires, fabricated and validated. The first relates to the concepts of sexuality and gender relations and the second related to the concepts of sexual abuse and pedophilia on the Internet. The instruments were administered before and after the subjects' participation in two workshops with teaching material (flipchart on gender and stories that describe situations of violence) in the disciplines of history, Portuguese Language, Physical Education and Science. In all cases after the participation of individuals of both sexes in the workshops, the percentage of responses on the knowledge of the subject later searched in all categories evaluated improved on previous knowledge. Thus the category knowledge about sexuality and gender relations, the scores increased from 32% at pretest to 80% at post-test in males and from 42% to 97% in females. It was detected that there is a relationship between the degree of knowledge and higher scores on responses indicating attitudes of assertiveness and prevention of sexual violence and pedophilia, as was observed in 39% of the women studied compared to 16% of men in the attitude scale. Our research contributes to initiate work to prevent vulnerabilities from school, and experiment with new teaching methodologies and resources to work cross-cutting theme of sexual orientation.





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