Da longa noite colonial ao alvorecer no chão de dor : engajamento, militância e a narração da nação através da poesia Bissau-Guineense

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The present work on Bissau-guinean poetic literature is the result of our research that seeks to understand the ways in which the nation passed in the course of a historical process marked in general by the foreign invasion and, in particular, by the Portuguese colonial system, as well as by the threatened state of the nation in the post-independence years. To do so, we began by giving visibility to Guinea-Bissau by establishing it in time and space. And, believing that every society has its expressions in orality, we have made a brief cut of this manifestation. However, we were struck by the invasion and fixation of the Portuguese in the small territory of the former Portuguese Guinea, because they had very violent repercussions that ended up dismantling the society and the peoples who lived there. The poetry analyzed here, written in Portuguese, is born in the colonial system and persists in the post-independence years. In addition, it is a poetry of combat, that finds base in the leader of the Revolution, the poet Amílcar Cabral. To know and to analyze the set of works of the four poets who make the corpus of this work serves us as a refuge to embark on a very daring and painful way. The feeling as each conceived and narrated Guinea was analyzed according to the poetic tessitura and other possible aggregated information in the respective publications. For that, we enter History through poetic art in order to know the history of the nation and the reason for poetry. In this way, we ensure that the late Guinean literature provides a strong and engaged poetry, necessarily oriented towards social-political issues. The work reveals an authentic process of struggle for independence and (re) construction of identity in the flow of poetry. We perceive that the poets analyzed took upon themselves the task of narrating the nation and they knew how to appropriate the incident so that, as ideologues and militants, they would present the identity of Guinea Bissau as it is, even though it would cause hopelessness on the floor of pain by the failure that reality presents them today. In this, we reflect that the Guinean poetry, however fictional, has, above all, a realistic, didactic, formative and appealing character regarding the denunciation of the facts and memorization of the nation. KEYWORDS: Guinea-Bissau; Poetry; Engagement; Memory; Colonialism.





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