O uso do software phet como ferramenta para o ensino de balanceamento de reação química

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Teaching the fundamental concepts of the mass conservation law using the methods of balancing chemical equation to students born within a digital era is a challenge for the chemistry teachers. On this work we used the PhET software - Balancing-Chemical-Equations as a teaching tool for balancing chemical equations. For assessing the software performance, we have chosen two student groups from the sophomore students from a public high school in the city of Tefé (AM-Brazil). We applied the PhET software with a Class only (Class A). The second Class, the balancing equation concept was learned by classical methodology only (Class B). The results presents that the performance of Class A students is the highest percentage value in balancing equation chemistry. This finding suggests that the students form the Class A were able in understanding the logical for balancing the chemical equation. Additionally, the introduction of PhET software leads the students the understanding the coefficients and subscribed of the meaning of chemical formulas. Keywords: PhET. Principle mass conservation. High school



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