O guia dinâmica do Betinho: para viver bem com diabetes mellitus tipo 1

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This guide is to enable the application of a dynamic to mediate educational practices with children living with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The dynamic should be applied by health professionals who carry out diabetes education as it requires specific knowledge. The educational tool to support the dynamics is Betinho, a doll made of felt. The dynamics and the doll were created by Nurse Elessandra Sicsú. The guide was based on the experience of the creator and on an integrative literature review, which allowed the identification and selection of scientific information and safe information, important for the practices of education in diabetes. The guide was validated by 18 specialist judges, who considered it appropriate. The Dinamics of Betinho is an Educational Technology (ET) to mediate diabetes education practices in an interactive and interactive and playful way. The little bet has all the parts body parts, including internal organs, and therein lies its advantage of use, because it can demonstrate which are the target organs of the disease, why they are affected and how to prevent this from happening.



LEITÃO, Antonio Simeone Correia et al. O guia dinâmica do Betinho: para viver bem com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Manaus: Editora UEA, 2023. 29 f.



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