Fatores de estresse e ansiedade durante a performance musical: perspectivas sobre causas e sintomas que ocasionam na desestabilização emocional de instrumentistas
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Anxiety is a natural reaction that we are all subject to experience at some point in life. People experience at least some degree of anxiety when they become the center of attention. Musicians, often required to perform under an array of stressful conditions, are particularly susceptible to anxious thoughts and feelings that are directly linked to stressors. While a little tension before a musical event is natural and can really enhance the experience, excessive nervousness mainly acts as a detriment to performance. For many musicians, the task of performing in front of an audience can lead to a wide range of physiological, emotional and/or behavioral problems. This qualitative research aims to understand the components of anxiety and seek solutions to reduce its effects on musical performance. Extensive bibliographical research was carried out on the subject, in order to detail the respective subject in order to prove the problem of this research, which is the affliction during the musical performance.
SOUZA, Diogo Costa de. Fatores de estresse e ansiedade durante a performance musical: perspectivas sobre causas e sintomas que ocasionam na desestabilização emocional de instrumentistas. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharel em Música). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2023.