A pessoa com deficiência a partir da perspectiva da imprensa e de documentos oficiais na cidade dd Manaus entre 1890-1920
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present research has as its theme the representation of people with disabilities in periodicals and official documents in circulation in the city of Manaus - AM in the period from 1890 to 1920. As a general objective, the research began to analyze, based on periodicals and official documents, such as society perceived and identified people with disabilities, as well as the ways in which they were represented in Manaus (AM), in the period from 1890 to 1920. As specific objectives, the research aims to: identify the terms used to refer to people with disabilities in periodicals and official documents from 1890 to 1920;identify the characteristics attributed and the methods used to determine who had some type of disability during this period; analyze how people with disabilities were represented in periodicals and official documents from 1890-1920; and analyze how sociocultural factors resulting from economic, cultural and political contexts determined the types of treatments reserved for people with disabilities in this period. The research is characterized as descriptive and explanatory and to achieve the proposed objectives, bibliographic and documentary research was used as methodological procedures, based on consultation of periodicals and official documents in the Digital Hemeroteca of the Digital Library of the National Library Foundation and the Center for Research Libraries - Global Resources Network. As results, the research shows that people with disabilities appear in official journals and documents in contexts linked to public health and safety, to charitable institutions such as nursing homes and hospitals such as Santa Casa de Misericórdia and Hospício de Alienados. With exceptions, such individuals may appear in contexts where they are provided with space and a place to speak, as well as the use of technologies that enable their communication.
SOUZA,Júlia Ismar Silva de.A pessoa com deficiência a partir da perspectiva da imprensa e de documentos oficiais na cidade dd Manaus entre 1890-1920.2025.Dissertação. (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas).Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus,2025