Reservatório de usinas hidreletricas, recursos hídricos e conflitos socioambientais: o exemplo da usina hidrelétrica de Balbina
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The water is a valuable environmental possessions, but before the existence of several
standards and concepts that aim at the maintenance of the essential characteristics of the
hydric resources, the existent scenery in many reservoirs of hydroelectric stations in Brazil is
of deterioration of the quality of the water with increase of socioenviromental conflicts made
a list to the use of the hydric resources. This environmental problematic is caused by the
lethargy of the Public Power which does not practice actions of management of the
environment, which contributes to the environmental imbalance in reservoirs, with the
consequent deterioration of the quality of the water. On the other side, are not included in the
final cost of the hydroelectric undertakings all the costs socioenviromental resultants of the
activity of generation of energy through the use of the hydric resources. The legislator of the
Federal Constitution of 1988, in the caput of art. 225, as listed the duty of the Public Power
and of the community defending and preserving the environment ecologically balanced for
the present and future generations. There are prescribed in the Law of the Waters (Law n.º
9.433, of January 08, 1997) several criteria that must be obeyed in the appropriation of the
hydric resources in Brazil. Environmental important beginnings as the equitable access to the
water, the sustainable development, among others, are informers of the national legislation,
but are not sufficient to avoid depletion of water sources. Water as well to diffuse public
ownership and ownership should be managed in a democratic and participatory form by
means of the use of instruments that can equate conflicts and avoid the degradation of the
resource. After being held a preliminary analysis of legal concepts and proposals related to
water resources and hydroelectric reservoirs, will be addressed in the present work, the
historical and socio-environmental reservoir of the Balbina Hydroelectric Scheme in the State
of Amazonas, so that to the end some conflicts are described in the location and the
instruments of management that can contribute to the reduction of these conflicts. The present
dissertation holds like technique of collection of informations the bibliographical inquiry and
through the analytical descriptive method a critical and propositive reflection intends in the
present inquiry to carry out about the referent questions to the hydric constant resources in the
reservoirs of the hydroelectric stations, in special in that what they form the reservoir of the
Hydroelectric station of Balbina.
Keywords: Hydric resources. Socioenviromental Conflicts. Sustainable development.
Hydroelectric power plant of Balbina.