Percepções matemáticas no processo de produção do pão manual e suas aplicações didáticas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This work aims to present the results of a qualitative research, which was carried out within the environment of two bakeries in the city of Parintins/AM. Whose objective is to understand the mathematical perceptions in the production process of manual bread and its didactic applications. For data collection, we used observation, interviews and photographic records. For data analysis, we used triangulation and descriptive statistics. The results are the mathematical concepts mobilized by the bakers and mathematics in the context, models and didactic applications. The mathematical perceptions obtained are related to content taught in the classroom by mathematics teachers. These mathematical perceptions such as measuring, weighing, calculating, rule of three, functions and geometric figures, can be contextualized for the teaching of mathematics.



COSTA, Francisco dos Santos. Percepções matemáticas no processo de produção do pão manual e suas aplicações didáticas, 2024. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Licenciatura em Matemática). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024.



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