Cancioneiro das toadas do Boi-Bumbá de Parintins

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


ABSTRACT This study has as its objective the collection of the largest possible number of toadas of the boi-bumbás of Parintins, Amazonas State. For this, it was necessary to discuss the origin and history of the city of Parintins and of the Caprichoso and Garantido boi-bumbás, situating them in the modern day panorama. It was also necessary to describe the concept of the toada, showing it as the foundation of the performance of the guilds in the arena and the process of transformation that has occurred in the last decades, as well as the auto of the bull which was presented as the central story of the two folklore guilds. The memories in the toadas of the boi-bumbás appear in the transformations that have occurred in recent years, which although happening reflect a preoccupation with the preservation of the traditional roots, but don’t release themselves from the commercial side of the festival which propelled the growth of the Parintins Folklore Festival. Academics and researchers such as Bittencourt (2001), Saunier (2003), Nogueira (2008) Sanchez (2012), farias (2005) and others emphasize the importance of knowing and understanding the culture and the folklore parties of the Brazilian states, principally those of the Amazon, so that one can understand the thoughts and way of living of the people of the region. These researchers were important because they made clear in their works a number of necessary questions for the conclusion of this study. The essential in this study is to present the singer of the toadas of the boi-bumbás of Parintins with toadas taken from diverse sources such as CDs, DVDs, leaflets, books and arranged with their respective names and the name of the composer. KEYWORDS: Toadas. Boi-bumbá, Anthologies, Singer, Folklore





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