Investigando estratégias para facilitar o ditado melódico tonal em três experimentos: o canto, a composição e a execução melódicas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Melodic dictation is one of the main and most common exercises practiced in music Music Perception courses, because of its contribution to the development of several important of several important skills for a musician. Because it requires the musician to coordinate cognitive and perceptual skills to solve the exercise, it is common that the student uses strategies strategies that facilitate listening, memorizing, or writing the melody heard. or writing the melody heard. Not all of them, however, promote improvements in the performance of the exercise. the exercise, which is why it is important to study in depth how they influence the performance and in the performance and learning of the subjects. This paper investigates the effectiveness of some writing strategies through experimental studies, and brings a literature review focused on publications literature review focused on publications that deal with this subject made in the last years. Three studies were carried out, one experimental and two quasi-experimental, Each one tried to observe the influence of the use of a specific strategy during the performance of melodic dictation the experimental study investigated the effect of singing while writing, and the quasi-experimental study investigated the the other two, done remotely because of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigated the effect of singing while writing pandemic, investigated the effect of melodic composition and performance prior to prior to dictation. The results of the first study suggest that singing, although necessary at some stages of development, may hinder the performance of participants (N=68) if it is participants (N=68) if it is used collectively, especially the less experienced ones. The results of the other two studies, on the other hand, suggest that the strategies used did not significantly influence significantly influence the participants' performance (N=25 for composition and N=44 for execution). in the execution), which may have been caused by the relatively low number of participants, or by the limitations of the instrument used for the experiment, which was executed at a distance. However, we believe that the strategies investigated here can be used as pedagogical be used as pedagogical tools to be employed in the long term for the development of development of students' perception, rather than being understood as simple "magic solutions" to solve dilemmas. "magic solutions" for solving melodic dictation. Future studies, carried out under future studies under better conditions could observe the positive effects of musical composition and composition and musical performance.



LIMA, Fernando Gabriel Batista. Investigando estratégias para facilitar o ditado melódico tonal em três experimentos: o canto, a composição e a execução melódicas. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Regência). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2021.



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