As concepções epistemológicas dos docentes de arte de Manaus

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The present research aims to understand how the Art teachers working in Elementary School 2 and in the High School of the state education public of Manaus, understand the construction of knowledge in Art. In order to make an analysis of what teachers say, we start from three bases of epistemology, which are empiricism, apriorism and constructivism, with the intention of problematizing the beliefs of these teachers. Understanding epistemological conceptions is an important issue for both the teacher and the student, as this understanding can influence the pedagogical actions taken by both parties. For the accomplishment of this work, a literature review was elaborated focusing on the epistemological postures, and as a methodological tool, we worked with surveys applied to 1/3 of the Art teachers working in the state public network in Manaus. Throughout the analyzes and the results, a strong empiricist inclination was noticed in the speeches of the participants, while the posture with less expressiveness was the constructivist basis. The adherence to the empiricist position can be criticized because this conception overestimates the role of the medium to the detriment of the learning subjects, from beliefs that reduce the epistemological process to the simple transmission of contents. The research ends by leaving us with some open questions, questions as to what measures can be taken to strengthen the epistemological discussions in the initial and continuous formation of the Art teachers? Keywords: Epistemological Conceptions. Epistemology of teaching art. Art teaching and learning.





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