Mapeamento e contribuições linguísticas do professor surdo aos índios surdos da etnia Sateré-Mawé na microrregião de Parintins
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This research presents the results of the mapping deaf Indians in indigenous communities Sateré-Mawé, in the region of Parintins. Starting from the survey, we sought to identify how the deaf Indians established communication with peers in their community. For this methodological procedure through open interviews with indigenous leaders, family members, teachers and school administrators, and other community members were used as well as the Indian himself deaf. The review process established for this study consisted of focus linguistic lexicon (vocabulary), which was recorded through videos, photos and recordings. From the data, we initiated the development of a trilingual Mini Dictionary in languages Sateré-Mawé/ sign language/ written Portuguese in order to facilitate communication, especially in the context of school learning community among teachers and students deaf Indians. This linguistic contribution, therefore, provided a new insight in the historical process of linguistic diversity, to value and respect not only one language, the official language (Portuguese), but also the natural language of deaf people (Libras) and the indigenous language the people Sateré-Mawé.
Key Words: 1.Linguística 2.Língua signal 3.Sateré-Mawé 4.Dictionary