O direito à saúde psíquica do trabalhador no meio ambiente do trabalho

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


There is much discussion about the influence of work on quality of life of the worker. However, only since the Industrial Revolution is that the mental health has been considered important so that we can achieve a healthy work environment. The major concern was always with the physical health, or accident of the typical work and occupational diseases. Little is talked about as psychic attacks bullying, stress and depression, but they have always existed. The study of the subject is shown of great value because of the healthy working environment is a fundamental right, therefore, bound by its content, the right to life. And, as a fundamental right which is to be secured by constitutional guarantees among which is the public civil action. The bullying in the work environment has become as of any improper conduct tht infringes upon the dignity or psychological or physical integrity of a person, threatening their jobs or degrading the environment of work. Harassment can be in vertical (head-employed) or a horizontal (among workers). The bullying at work is one of the causes of stress and chronic stress leads to depression. The general aim of examining the legal means to protect the mental health of the employee, held an exploratory research, descriptive and explanatory. As was the means to search bibliographic and documentary. The public civil action, as security is fundamental, configures itself as the means capable of ensuring a balance in the environment of work. Ie, this action is the appropriate means to ensure minimum conditions of employment so that it is done without causing damage to physical and psychological health of the worker. Key words: Environment. Environment of the work. Mental health of the worker. Bullying. Stress. Depression. Public civil action.





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