Estudo da produção cultural de espetáculos de dança em Manaus:desafios X avanços
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This study addresses an investigative work on the production of a dance performance in the city of Manaus, focusing on understanding the resources needed for a production, as well as the challenges encountered in completing a project. It began with experiences lived and observed by graduate Fernanda Viana, and continued with the survey of existing knowledge on the subject through the theoretical framework that directly assisted in the evolution of this idea. For better clarification of the researcher, a theoretical data survey was conducted with interviews on the subject with volunteers who were interviewed following the requirements imposed in the methodology. It is believed that the data collected at the end of this will help future professionals by informing about the demands necessary in the creation and production of dance shows.
VIANA,Fernanda Karine Vaz.Estudo da produção cultural de espetáculos de dança em Manaus:desafios X avanços.2025. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Turismo). Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus, 2025.