O uso da sala invertida como metodologia no ensino de Biologia para o 3º ano do ensino médio em uma escola da rede estadual de Manaus-AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This dissertation is about the use of the Flipped Classroom with the support of the Google Classroom educational platform, as an active methodology to place the student at the center of the teaching and learning process, considering that current students are said to be digital natives, with skills to interact in activities involving technologies. Thus, this proposal is justified by considering that the Digital Technologies of Communication and Information entered the school as a pedagogical support resource to contribute to the students' learning process. The study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the inverted classroom methodology with the help of Google Classroom in Biology classes in a 3rd grade high school class in the city of Manaus/Am. In this virtual classroom space, links to video classes and activities to be answered from the visualization of posted materials were made available, in order to subsidize prior knowledge of the contents to be studied by students, and thus become a learning experience significant.This investigation, regarding the method of approach, was characterized as a research being a mixed method, which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches; as for the objectives, as exploratory research, and as for the technical procedures, it is a field research, with participative observation, characterized as an action research. To carry out the research it was necessary to apply a Socioeconomic Questionnaire to verify the feasibility of accessing the virtual room. The investigation of the students' learning performance was through the written evaluation notes and/or other evaluative instruments, which allowed a statistical analysis to represent, through a single or central value, the set of information of the observed results. And, finally, the Online Survey Form was applied, to check the level of student satisfaction with the inverted classroom methodology with the help of Google Classroom, and point out any points to be improved and/or corrected, and also the which changed after the experience. The results of the research allowed us to conclude that the inverted classroom methodology was effective in teaching Biology, as the researched students who committed to studying with the classroom inversion method obtained higher averages than students who did not adhere to the proposal. And, we also infer, from the observations, that the attitude of the learners changed, that is, they were (re)placed at the center of the teaching and learning process, they became protagonists in the construction of their knowledge. As a proposal to continue the research, we suggest studying the use of the Flipped Classroom in elementary school grades, in order to verify the effectiveness in this segment. Keywords: Flipped classroom; teanching Biology; Google Classroom.



BENEVIDES, Viviane de Lima. O uso da sala invertida como metodologia no ensino de Biologia para o 3º ano do ensino médio em uma escola da rede estadual de Manaus-AM. 2021. 115 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação e Ensino de Ciências) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Manaus.



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