CESP - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Graduação
URI permanente para esta coleçãohttps://ri.uea.edu.br/handle/riuea/35
Item Literatura infantil e as doenças na velhice uma análise pelo viés pedagógico e formativo para o ensino fundamental(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-12-11) Abecassis, Neiva Farias; Ribeiro, Edinelza Macedo; Rebeiro, EdinelzaThe present study aims to analyze children's literature books that present as the main focus of diseases manifested in old age, by the pedagogical and formative bias for Elementary School. The research provided an approach to how children are taught to deal with disease situations manifested in old age, through children's literature books that address this issue. To do so, a bibliographic and field study was carried out, based on authors such as Abramovich (1997), Zylberman (1985), Zamboni (2001), Cunha (2003) and others who discuss the topic with great propriety. It is a qualitative research in which it allows an understanding of the quotidian, with method of phenomenological approach, since it understands reality as a concrete totality, constituted by active and historically constructed subjects. The data collected were based on participant observation, questionnaire presented the children, aiming to analyze the point of view regarding the issues addressed in the research, participated in the research 23 subjects of the 5th year of Elementary School. It was observed through the answers of the questionnaire the importance that the grandparents have in the life of the children and it was verified that these children are being taught little to deal with situations resulting from diseases that affect their grandparents, this, for the fact, the use of strategies that approach the theme in the classroom, being necessary the realization of a workshop, where we approached three books of children's literature that talked on the subject. The results of our research were relevant to the fact that children's literature is important in the educational training about the diseases manifested in the old age in the study with children, we verified that the children after the workshop showed interest in the subject, discussing and reporting their own experiences. This study will contribute to the focus of the importance of narratives of children's literature on diseases in old age, verifying how these children are taught to deal with situations arising from diseases that affect their grandparents.