CESP - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Graduação
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Item Assistência de Enfermagem à puérpera com depressão pós-parto no ambiente hospitalar(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2014-12-13) Pessoa, LuanPostpartum Depression (PPD) is a high prevalence mental disorder, which causes biopsychosocial changes, starting insidiously, leading up to weeks after delivery. The objective of this research is to identify how nursing works in the postpartum depression in the hospital environment, the signs and symptoms and adequate nursing care. This research is exploratory with a qualitative approach. After submission to the Brazil Platform and approval of the Ethics and Research Committee (ERC), the research was carried out through interviews with 30 puerperae arriving at a saturation sampling of 20 puerperae in the age range of 18 to 30 years, Regional Hospital Jofre de Matos Cohen, located in the city of Parintins - Amazonas, in July 2017. The results indicate that 100% of the women interviewed did not know about PPD, 60% had any of the symptoms, but only 15% attention of the nursing team.Item Governança ambiental e participação social: levantamento das dimensões ambientais na comunidade de Bom Socorro do Zé Açu, no municipio de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-01-18) Ferreira, Hapolo HibsonThis work is the main objective to understand the debate on environmental governance as an auxiliary or decision-making process and public policies for the Bom Socorro do Zé Açu community, located in the Amazon River and the Paraná do Ramos River, in an area of terra firme, distant to 14 km from municipal headquarters eo meio of transport to be checked to essa comunidade é by waterway. A população da Comunidade de Bom Socorro do Zé Açu is around 1250 inhabitants, being divided into 240 families. The community of Bom Socorro needs a plan that contemplates sustainability, environmental governance, and observing that the mudanças socioespaciais in the community of Bom Socorro, caused hair spatially spaced spawned pelas mudanças socioculturais ocorridas, dentre essas mudanças, a questão ambiental It is worrisome, very problematic, two solid residues causing negative impacts directly on this community, due to the increase in the production of solid organic waste, and the lack of a public liquefied pigtail and the appropriate local deposit. A research will be qualitative and explanatory as a procedure or case study, by a visa or by a specific purpose. The methodology used for the data queue, this research, will be a documentary research for secondary data queues and a bibliographic and analytical review of works that are being treated, aiming to give a theoretical embassimment to the fund; It will also be used as a research technique or focal group: where events will take place as groups of leaders of communities, providing greater interaction among the interviewees, on the strength of opinions on the concerns of social groups. A relevância desta pesquisa is not fato that as informações here raised, auxiliary podem na elaboração de uma important environmental agenda that should be discussed and levada em consideração pela municipalidade na elaboração and implementation of public policies turned to this area not touching as questões socioambientais, This community is going through a process of substantial transformation in its spatiality, presenting specific characteristics, therefore, it is necessary to have a glimpse of sustainability, since this research can raise important questões that provide subsidies for public planning. implemented in this community. Therefore, it is necessary to contribute to discuss the elements of sustainability of the community.Item Associação dos catadores de lixo de Parintins: coleta e destino da garrafa Pet(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-18) Azevedo, ClíviaThis paper deals with the reverse logistics included in the PNRS approved in 2010, and also requires the various business sectors to implement reverse logistics programs aimed at post-consumption, favoring the integration of waste pickers' associations. Garbage in this recycling process with an emphasis on collecting pets from ASCALPIN. The general objective of this study is to analyze the importance of the logistics of the production chain: collection, processing, storage and disposal of PET bottles by ASCALPIN. To achieve the general objective, the following specific objectives were established: characterize the process of the ASCALPIN production chain; Identify the National Solid Waste Policy in Parintins; Relate the benefits that the collection and destination of pet bottle offer the company of Parintins. The case study is used as methodology, with qualitative approach and with research techniques used was bibliographic survey, exploratory research and documentary research. To base this research were used as reference: ANDRADE, 2010; FARIA, 2013; Page 2 MACHADO, 2016; PIRES, 2012.Item Gestão de estoque: um estudo de caso na Associação Cultural Boi-Bumbá Caprichoso(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-18) Souza, Maury; Cid, Taciara; Quintela, ThalitaThe stock administration amid production is primordial, once it establishes control patterns, it seeks to integrate all of the sections to improve the planning and flow of materials, minimizing costs and increasing the quality of the products. Thus, Boi-bumbá Caprichoso The Cultural Association, is an organization that works with many materials in its stock. These materials to represent an enormous investment. And, to control the production process, the company needs applications in procedures to administrate and control stock. The objective of this work is to analyze the Inventory Management of the Boi-bumbá Caprichoso Cultural Association and as specific objectives, to briefly present the supply and transport aspects of the supply chain, to describe the inventory management and to discuss the contribution of the inventory management to Control and the quality in the management materials. The methodology used in this article was based on a case study. Qualitative approach of descriptive nature and applied nature. Bibliographical research was also used. To collect data, it was necessary to use partially structured interviews. After the study, it was possible to verify through the results that there are some inadequacies inside the warehouses related to the physical structure, conservation, manipulation and inventory control of the materials.Item Aplicação de processos logísticos como estratégia de venda dos produtos da marca Garantido(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-18) Costa, Karlla; Melo, Simone; Serrão, VictorThe Parintins Folklore Festival is one of the main tourist attractions in Amazonas State. This event has gained national and international fame through the image of the "Bois-Bumbás (Bumbás Oxen) Garantido and Caprichoso”, increasing the generation of income, jobs, products and services. Although using good marketing strategies to promote their brands, it should be noted that one of the Associations has been suffering persistent problems in marketing its official products. This paper aims to study the difficulties in the logistical process of the Boi-Bumbá Garantido products proposing suggestions for improvement and development. Given the Folklore Festival importance to the city socio-economic development as well as the lack of market research on the subject and the inevitability of being able to meet the increasingly demanding consumer, it is believed that it is important to generate data able to subsidize improvements suggestions in logistics process of the “Boi-Bumbá Garantido Brand”. It makes use of an applied, qualitative and exploratory research. The data colleting method used field research and a case study, besides using the observation and bibliographical research methods and interviews with the President and Marketing/Logistics and Planning Directors of the Association. The research results showed that there is need for readjust in the production, logistics and sales processes. Finally, proposals were suggested for Supply Chain Management for improving the Garantido Brand organizational level.Item A administração de estoque nas distribuidoras de alimentos de Parintins e sua relação com o método de curva ABC(2017-08-18) Souza, Kélvia; Silva, MagdaManage merchandise stock it’s know how put the product on the sheif and it’s necessary pay attention in it and this way it doesn’t become itself a rose up cost. In this procedure the storage area represents a high importance and it is the most active way of the organization company groups. Then it is relevant direct the planning and adjusting it in the operations to reach the organizational aims. This search had objective of studying how happens the way of administrating the stock in the management of food companies about ABC Curve, which make help it on the sale policy establishing priority sectors, beyond the product programming and other usual problems in the companies. The applied methodology was quali - qualitative bibliographical search and inductive method. Intend itself make observation if there is absence of technical knowledge of the studied companies about planning and control of stock such as the ABC Curve. It’s so valid demonstrate this way how ABC Curve can be helping the Companies make their analysis and conditions the necessities about items which demand their biggest consumption.Item Logística e ecoeficiencia no matadouro público de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-21) Picanço, ManuellaThe logistics is an area in constant development and is this present in all human fields of activity. In the agroindustrial sector, in industries called slaughterhouses, the meat processing chains need the management support of logistics as support for the development of their activities, seeking a balance between the social, economic and environmental pillars. As a result, this study developed at the Ozorio Melo Public slaughterhouse in the city of Parintins, verified to what extent the processes developed were in line with the principles of eco-efficiency. Using the monographic investigation method with field surveys and semi-structured interviews, the main objective of the study was to identify the logistics operation in the establishment, based on the description of the slaughter process, the monitoring and detection of the resulting residues in each Stage and finally the investigation of the forms of management and destination used by the establishment. The results showed that although there is compliance with some norms and decrees, the slaughterhouse has some structural and logistical difficulties that depend on many bureaucratic processes for its development. Thus, the suggestions proposed in this study aim to improve the quality of the service as well as the rationalization of resources and apply an efficient management of by-products and waste.Item Logística empresarial: uma análise estratégica na agência Ilha Viagens e Turismo(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-21) Souza, Annela Carolina; Rocha, LucinaraTourism is a market in constant transformation and economic development, as a consequence, travel agencies and other segments directly linked to this commercial activity must adapt and renew in accordance with these changes. In the field of contingent business, it is important for the organization to plan its steps using strategies that best fit its internal and external situation. This work has the general objective of analyzing how strategic planning can influence the competitiveness of the company in the branch of travel agency and tourism (AVT). As specific objectives: To present the context of the company in the market; Identify strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats through SWOT analysis; And suggest the best strategy to be used to maintain the company's competitiveness in the market. A case study was carried out at Ilha Travel and Tourism Agency, with a theoretical and practical framework for the means of research. As data collection instruments, questionnaires were applied to clients, competitors and public agencies, in addition to interviews with the owner. Applied in nature, they cover their forms in qualitative and quantitative terms, using the method of deductive approach and descriptive research modality. In view of the information collected from the SWOT analysis, it was possible to detect the points of action that need to be implemented and worked out, such as the formulation of objectives and goals, outlining strategies so that it has a competitive advantage in the market.Item Qualidade na aquisição de materiais para a produção de móveis caso da empresa San Rafael(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-21) Santos, Elizabeth; Canto, Kevin Alexandre; Silva, RebecaThe acquisition of materials is a logistical operation responsible for providing resources for the production of a determined product. This process must be carried out utilizing methods that encompass quality because not just any kind of material can be supplied in a business. It is inteded that there be quality in the supply of the materials aiming an efficient relatinship whith the suppliers improving performace around the supply chain. Based on this premise, the study had as its general objective the understanding of the quality in the acquisition of materials used in the production of furniture is given. Firstly, a bibliographical survey was carried out which supplied the necessary content in regards to quality in the process of materials acquisition, as well as a list of suppliers in this process. For the collection of data for the study, questionnaires, interviews and observations were used in order to get the necessary information for analysis. The research was applied using a inductive method with a qualitative approach, and a descriptive objective. In the case study, the company in question needs to consolidate methods that improve the quality in the acquisition process through an integrated relationship between the company and its suppliers.Item Logística reversa de embalagem &prática sustentáveis: aproveitamento de tubos de papelão na confecção de mobiliário.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-22) Guerreiro Júnior, Fridolino; Martins, William SmitthThis study was developed at the Technology Course in Logistics, offered at the Center for Higher Studies of Parintins, linked to the University of the State of Amazonas with the intention of showing the possibilities of using cardboard tubes of the postal type in the manufacture of furniture. It also aimed to highlight the role and importance of Reverse Packaging Logistics for the development of sustainable actions, to raise discussions about the environmental impacts caused by the inadequate disposal of packaging. In the theoretical foundation, the purpose of Reverse Logistics is conceptualized and presented. It highlights Reverse Packaging Logistics as a path to sustainable entrepreneurship, taking as reference the studies developed by Oliveira and Almeida (2012); Shibao, Moori and Santos (2010); Souza and Fonseca (2009); Leite (2002); Orsiolli and Nobre (2016); Castillo and Gómez (2014) and Piccoli (2013). Furniture (desk and chair) produced with cardboard tubes and MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard) type are also exhibited. The methodological procedure was based on the hypothetical-deductive method, in Research and Development (R & D), in the qualitative approach subsidized by the bibliographical research. The data were collected through a form containing questions regarding the purchase intention, comfort and functionality of the furniture. In this form the evaluators could make free reviews and comments. A total of 96 people participated in the study among teachers, servants and academics, and the results were allocated in graphs for a better understanding of the study. It is noteworthy that the furniture was produced in a joinery located in the Industrial Furniture Polo area in the city of Parintins-AM.Item Logística reversa e sustentabilidade empresarial: um estudo de caso na Fábrica de Móveis Albuquerque - município de Parintins/AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-22) Cavalcante, Cleilda; Butel, Karina LeneFor a long time, man has been degrading nature, due to the inadequate disposal of solid waste, which already shows an almost irreversible environmental imbalance. Because of this problem, it is necessary to approach Reverse Logistics and Business Sustainability, which proposes a new business paradigm, since it promotes sustainable development in addition to favoring economic and social gains. Thus, the article has as object of study the Móveis Albuquerque Factory, because it worries to reuse the solid waste, avoiding its destiny directly in the nature. In this sense the general objective of this work was to know Reserve Logistics and Corporate Sustainability in the factory. Its specific objectives are to identify the application of the reverse logistic process in the reduction of costs and finally to show the points that positively and negatively impact the practice of the reverse logistic process of solid waste. To develop this article, a case study was carried out, with a deductive method and a qualitative approach of exploratory and descriptive character. The techniques used were: informal interview, field research and questionnaire application. The main authors used for the theoretical basis of this research were: Ballou (2006), Leite (2005), Resende (2004), Valle e Souza (2014), Zamboni e Ricco (2009).Item A importância do layout para o aumento da eficiência na armazenagem dos produtos de um supermercado no município de Parintins AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-22) Brito, Edsandra; Ribeiro, Iuly YasmimThis article presents as main theme the importance of the layout to increase the efficiency in the storage of products about a supermarket in Parintins city in Amazon State. This theme was developed from the perception that the competitive and globalized business area needs of a right adjust of the layout which involves a warehouse to a generation and reduction of cost in its movement and direct it to the best storage process. Just it is associated to the improvement of the conditional work about employees and the appropriate application of the available space. This work sought to analyze about layout in the storage area which involve products about a supermarket, such as identify the nowadays structure in the warehouse to storage its products and verifying the influence of the layout in the movement and organization of the products in this warehouse, such as purpose improvement forms to the warehouse. This way developed itself a field search at a supermarket in Parintins city in the Amazon State, in which the data show happened through interviews and systematic observation, which inducted the evaluated people in the control of the stock, flux of movement and measuring in the warehouse space to the positive contribution in the storage process about searched company.Item A degradação do solo por meio da erosão: principais agentes condicionantes e impactos socioambientais causados por voçorocas no lago do Zé Açu, Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Marques, RildoIn recent years, soil degradation through erosion has Changes in both rural and urban environments, generating, from their effects, several Consequences for the social groups affected by such dynamics. In this sense, the present Main objective was to understand the main agents that Formation and development of gullies at the headwaters of Jará, located in Lago do Zé Açu, rural area of the municipality of Parintins-AM, and how specific to verify the classification The type and shape of these incisions; To describe the other erosive features found in And identify the main socio-environmental problems generated from this form of Soil degradation. For this, the study was based on the bases of the deductive method, where Used the following methodological procedures: Bibliographic survey; work of field; Microbiological analysis of water; Interviews with residents and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite images. With the results it was possible to Understand that the main conditioning agents for the emergence of gullies in the Area of study are: the high precipitation index of the municipality and its surface runoff And subsurface; The type of soil that has at its base a horizon with large Concentration of sandy material; The shape of the relief, since most of the slopes present Convex configuration with approximately 45 ° of slope, propitious to erosion; it's like One of the main agents, the use of the soil for extensive livestock practices, being the Deforestation of areas of riparian forest and trampling of livestock the initiators of the processes Erosive. Among the main socio-environmental damages caused by erosion, Abandonment of the land by residents, the constant occurrence of diseases such as diarrhea and Vomiting caused by the consumption of contaminated water that presented both Total Coliforms Escherichia coli, unfit for human consumption as a result of Fecal diseases and the death of several springs and fish affected by the silting that Increasingly close to the communities and may in the future interrupt the higher education Of the Lake of Zé Açu.Item A prática do desporto orientação: uma proposta metodológica para a educação ambiental no ensino médio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Nascimento, DilsonThere have been many discussions about Environmental Education EA in the world, but in practice there are many resistances and the consequent barriers that lead to the negation of its objectives. Such barriers are not limited to the actions of individuals, governments or companies, but also affect schools, making it impossible for EA to take a complete approach. The present research sought to present a methodological alternative for the development of Environmental Education, using sport Guidance. The study was carried out with a 3rd grade high school class from a public school in Parintins-AM. The research had a qualitative approach with the following methodological procedures: students' initiation in sports Guidance, conducting the Guidance on the field of the Center for Higher Studies of Parintins CESP / UEA and verification of the environmental problems identified by the students in the areas near the race site . Among the problems identified by the students are the pollution from the public trash, the incorrect destination of the solid waste produced in the city and the presence of "trash" in the campus of the university. Among the reasons cited were the students 'speeches, consumerism, waste and lack of environmental awareness, while the alternatives for intervention in the problems were pointed out to the residents' awareness, selective collection, the realization of projects and University participation. Among the students, it was also noticed that their vision about AD refers to knowing how to act, to change behavior and to make people aware. The practice of Sports Guidance enabled students to better observe environmental problems by allowing them to discuss their causes and, above all, their possible solutions, fundamental skills in Environmental Education.Item Fatores determinantes no ensino- aprendizagem em geografia na Escola Municipal Irmã Cristine-modalidade EJA(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Silva, NaiaraThe research was based on observations made during the development of Supervised Internship I, held at Irmã Cristine Municipal School. This school is located in a neighborhood of the City of Parintins-AM, which originated an occupation process. This school, in order to meet the need and provide opportunities for the inhabitants of its surroundings (who did not have the opportunity to enter a school in a timely manner), provides in the night shift a teaching that will attend young people and adults interested in completing their studies. From observations, it has been found that many students enroll in the course but can not complete it. When analyzing the index of achievement in the discipline Geography, it was verified that the use is low, compromising the income of the students in said course. Youth and Adult Education is a teaching modality whose purpose is to enable people outside conventional school age who have not had the opportunity to attend school to resume their studies and make up for lost time. Due to this situation, we developed a project with the objective of verifying the level of learning acquired by the students regarding the teaching of Geography in the modality of EJA teaching and at the same time to understand the factors responsible for the disinterest or withdrawal of students in this modality of teaching. Qualitative research developed from direct and participatory observation, and was guided by the contributions of the dialectical method. The analyzes point to the need for a reflection about the nature and real needs of this modality of teaching, without, however, losing sight of the real conditions of the students of this school. We believe that this work is collaborative, and even in the face of the daily obstacles of the public school teacher who works with the EJA, showing that doing different is possible, provided that permeated by the understanding of what is intended to achieve, taking into account the Students, who are the main actors in this process.Item Calçada: Um espaço de convivência e disputa socioespacial(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Souza, AlcianeTo live in the city is to understand the social spaces of dynamism, approximation or distance, a generator of several discussions that revolves around the public space of the sidewalks. Issues associated with the mobility, accessibility and appropriation of these structures that are object of studies among various sciences, social entities, and society in general, since the circulation of pedestrians and vehicles is being compromised by the obstruction of the urban road system. Obstructions carried out by the producers of space, through the dynamisations transform and organize the sidewalk as a space for social coexistence, dialogue and as an economic promoter. Public space and modes of consumption are intertwined with social identities so that differences and inequality are articulated in the process of spatial appropriation, in this sense arises the need to study the public space of the sidewalks of Rua Padre Augusto Gianolla, neighborhood of Paulo Corrêa located In the peripheral area of the city of Parintins-AM. This route was selected strategically, due to the constant traffic accidents, traffic difficulties, real estate speculation and the diversity of sidewalks used by merchants, owners, and residents. The objective of this work is to know the reasons that lead the people to give other functionalities the sidewalks. However, for the realization of the research will be made use of a space of dialogue and questioning which is based on the dialectical method, from this perspective the sidewalk, a cultural space and community life. The theoretical path will help develop a differentiated view on the sidewalk as a social utility, effecting the perception of relativism and the diversity of social functions that these acquire jointly the social relations and the positioning of the State before these new socio-spatial configurations. The photographic records were collected in two moments, in September 2012 and March 2013, as well as narratives of merchants and residents of Rua Padre Augusto. We understand the relevance of discussing the public space of the sidewalks by associating it with public policies focused on urban planning. In this way, understanding the spatial dynamics at a given historical moment is the scientific, social and cultural commitment.Item A expansão urbana de Parintins: produção do espaço, agentes e processos socioespaciais(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Carvalho, RodrigoThe present work intends to understand how the process of urban territorial expansion of Parintins describing and analyzing the dynamics and periodization of the occupation process in the configuration of the city occurred. We aim to analyze the urban expansion of Parintins focusing on the agents producing the space, identifying how lots and lands were occupied that gave rise to the neighborhoods, as the expansion area was taking new configurations. We show through maps, how the growth occurred and the determining factors for the occupation of how the so-called periurban space is configured. We relate this growth to the successive crises of rural activities, to the housing deficit and to the multiple interests and associations of landowners with the political contexts of each phase. We began with the location and history of Parintins seeking to know how their occupation process occurred. We present the urban configuration identifying how the formation of the initial structuring mesh and its expansion occurred. We analyze the occupations that gave rise to the first neighborhoods and the creation of the first financed housing complex. The occupations due to the great flood (1975) were also discussed. We also mentioned real estate speculation, where landowners landed their land into neighborhoods because of the still ongoing reversal of the rural population in urban areas. We took an approach on the cycle of invasions in former farms, showing that the valorization of urban lands made the low-income population occupy such peripheral lands. We have investigated the expansion of recent subdivisions, with the State (city hall), real estate agents and the participation of land agents as the main regulatory agent, highlighting the determining factors for transforming rural land into urban land in the peri-urban area. And finally we explain the characteristics of the formation of the neighborhoods through sketches and the periurban limits of Parintins. Therefore, in this sense, our research enabled us to unveil the action of agents of the production of the urban space of the city Parintins, while revealing the conflicts and interests engendered in the expansion process.Item A produção de farinha de mandioca como estratégia de soberania alimentar: um estudo de caso da comunidade do Maranhão em Parintins/AM.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Aguiar, ArtenesThis article discusses Food Sovereignty through the production, consumption, Commercialization and exchange of cassava flour used as the strategic food of the Community of Maranhão, INCRA settlement, in Parintins. Cassava flour is Our object of study by which we will unveil your organization at various times as Part of the food sovereignty of this community. This reality is notorious in a municipality that Has suffered for some time from the shortage of this food and that it needs to import large Part of other municipalities, especially in the state of Pará. There is no food crisis. The availability of this food is annual among families Peasants who use the "bread of the tropics", flour is part of the resistance to Homogeneity of modern food loaded with agrochemicals and diseases. Feeding It is life, it is culture, it is resistance. On the other hand it may mean the opposite of all, when The balance between social, cultural and market relations is sought. THE Macroeconomics acts and interferes in a meaningful way in the life of the communities throughout the Globe and in the community of Maranhão is no different. Differentiated is the way to face these Changes. Community members seek independence by defining production strategies, Exchange and commercialization, that is, in doing so they reproduce their own way of life. Beyond Addition, the 'bread of the tropics' referred to is an inheritance of our ancestors and has Important in the regional food and also of the parintinense people. However, this food Is still marginalized in relation to others, as there are few studies on flour and its Relationship with the food sovereignty of the Amazonian peoples. In this way, the objective of this Work is to know the process of organizing the production, marketing and exchange of Manioc flour, verifying the strategies for food sovereignty of the community of the MaranhãoItem A participação da população local no Festival Folclórico de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Reis, GeanaThe city of Parintins is currently one of the country's largest folkloric events. This event has acquired considerable space in the tourist sector, since, from a small local event, the community eventually became the largest folk festival in the north of the country, winning regional, national and even international admirers. In recent times this festival has grown considerably causing the city to change to receive those who come from outside, tourists. All the typical movement of the Festival season modifies the daily life of the city, in which local people have to share their place with a different audience. This work sought to understand how the local population perceives their participation and through which activities participates in the Folklore Festival of Parintins. To do so, this research used closed interviews with local residents to understand their relationship with the activities provided by the Festival. For the development of this work, the phenomenological method was used, being considered a qualitative research. These procedures made it possible to identify the various activities carried out by the local population during the Festival. In what was revealed the participation of the population in the pre-festival events was still notorious, but in the three nights of the presentation of the Bois Bumbás Garantido and Caprichoso, in the Bumbódromo, the participation is much smaller, even in the economic activities, since these feel excluded from the planning Of the tourist event.Item Um estudo sobre as concepções socioambientais dos moradores da rua Cordovil quanto ao condicionamento dos resíduos sólidos, na cidade de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-24) Martins, FernandoThe environmental theme has been discussed in various spheres of power by various nation states and has mobilized many sectors concerned with the fate of life on Earth or with the finiteness of the natural resources used as the basis for industry. Another concern has been the fate and treatment of solid waste produced, as well as the environmental issue that is also interconnected. Thus, the present research had as main analysis the concepts of the residents of Cordovil Street, in Parintins, Amazonas, regarding the conditioning of domestic waste produced. A qualitative approach was used, using techniques such as interviews, questionnaires and extensive direct observation. The research had the following steps: survey of the total number of families and the minimum sample size; Application of questionnaires and interviews, as well as monthly observations in the studied area. It was verified that in about 90% of the residences the garbage is not disposed of adequately for the collection. In 80% of the households garbage is collected for collection without separation. For 57% of the interviewees, Environmental Education refers to the behavior of individuals on environmental issues such as not polluting and not deforesting. As far as the residents' conceptions about the garbage are concerned, they have turned to what is discarded, left over, something that is not used, but that could be used if people focus on being encouraged and aware. In view of the results presented, it is necessary to carry out projects aimed at Environmental Education among residents aiming at the construction of habits and values related to the correct practices of treatment and conditioning of solid wastes.