CESP - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Graduação
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Item Abordagem de ensino dos meliponineos em materiais didáticos no ensino fundamental e médio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-12-16) Mourão , Rizelma Ramos; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Araújo, Joeliza Nunes; Trindade, Dilcindo BarrosBees are pollinating agents, their morphological structures contribute to their success in the ecosystem service, but due to anthropogenic activities of deforestation, burning, and the use of pesticides, they are contributing to the decimation of several species of bees. Therefore, it is necessary to seek alternatives to reduce the extinction process, in addition to actions that promote conservation of this group of insects. In this sense, the objective of this research. Conduct a bibliographic survey on teaching methods of Meliponini that are beginning to be used as an object of study in basic education, looking for patterns and approaches used and with significant results for learning. Thus, to identify the methodologies currently used in teaching about melipona bees in schools. Analyze teaching methodologies about Meliponas bees in elementary and high school. Understand the assimilation of students, in the sense of environmental importance of bee species, relating the pollinator function in the ecological environment. However, the analyzes were carried out with five authors who addressed themes of bees and the pollination service in order to ensure the conservation of bee species.Item Abordagem literária no ensino da matemática - uma breve análise sobre a obra de Malba Taham “o homem que calculava no ensino médio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2021-07-26) Almeida, Tamilhe dos Santos; Queiroz, Gideão Teixeira; Costa, Lucélida de Fátima Maia da Costa; Costa, Lucélida de Fátima Maia da Costa; Teixeira, Rhuann PinheiroThis article highlights literature as a possible way to bring students closer to the universe of mathematics. In this sense, the results of this research meet the general objective of analyzing the possibilities of using fragments of the text of the book "The Man who Calculated" by Malba Taham in didactic approaches in the teaching of Mathematics for High School. The research was based on qualitative exploratory views, critical reading, filing, questionnaires and interviews were selected as research techniques. In reading the book, several mathematical contents with potential to be used in teaching were observed so that students can contemplate mathematical knowledge.Item A ação do resíduo da manipueira proveniente do processamento da mandioca (manihot esculenta crantz) como termicida no combate aos cupins de madeira seca (cryptotermes brevis)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-11-20) Costa, Sônia Rocha da; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Silva, Ademir Castro e; Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Chalco, Fiorella PerottiThe “manipueira” is one of the residues generated in the processing of cassava (M. esculenta Crantz) for the production of flour or starch, having a milky appearance and a light yellow color. In view of this, this study has the macro objective of testing the efficacy of the “manipueira” residue from the processing of cassava against attacks by dry wood termites by means of experimental tests in the laboratory. To achieve this purpose, the methodological path was formed by quantitative research, in which the treatment of the data involved carrying out the following bioassays: spraying, Mortality assessment and repellency. The collected waste was generated in the São Benedito Community, which belongs to the city of Boa Vista do Ramos-AM. The results of this research show that the residue of manipueira obtained in the production process of cassava flour has a high potential to combat the action of termites in lignocellulosic material both in the effectiveness of the killing and repellent of these insects.Item Ação repelente e inseticida do extrato da castanha de caju (Anacardium occidentale) sobre o cupim (Nasutitermes sp.)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-05-26) Portilho, Bruno Souza; Castro, Nayme Farias de; Castro, Nayme Farias de; Silva, Adailton Moreira da; Trindade, Dilcindo BarrosTermites cause great economic damage to the timber industry and agriculture. Several studies have been carried out in order to enable the use of plant extracts to combat them due to their low impact on the environment and man. Thus, the anti-termite action of the extract obtained from cashew nut against Nasutitermes termites was evaluated. Non-choice and choice tests were performed that evaluated mortality in addition to feeding rate and repellency of ethanolic and hydroalcoholic extracts . In both extracts repellencies were obtained for all concentrations tested, with the highest percentage observed in the extract. ethanol in its highest concentration. The percentage of mortality was higher for the maximum concentration of the ethanol extract . It is concluded that the cashew nut ethanol extract shows potential to combat Nasutitermes arboreal termites .Item A acessibilidade do surdo nas unidades básicas de saúde na cidade de Parintins Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-12-13) Valente, LeidianeHearing impairment is declared as the second disability that affects the population the most, and we know that deaf people sporadically have the presence of an interpreter when looking for care at the Basic Health Units. In view of this, the principal objective is to verify the level of understanding between the deaf person and the professional in the UBS. And for the development was used of the mixed methodology of descriptive exploratory character. As an instrument was used an interview script with UBS professionals and the deaf. The structure is organized into topics that bring in their referential authors great contributions for the accessibility of the deaf and that give us grounding in discussing the great difficulty of professionals and the deaf in trying to establish communication. The work shows what has already been foreseen, that there is in fact no accessibility for the deaf at the Parintins UBS, and it is concluded that the deaf are the only ones who seek their inclusion, learning other forms of communication, such as writing.Item Acessibilidade: a dificuldade de locomoção do cadeirante nas ruas da cidade de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-10-05) Sicsú, IsaianaThe city must provide all its inhabitants with life with security, autonomy, leisure and access to public and private services as well as guarantee of being able to move through the streets with accessibility, spaces must be planned in a way that promotes independence to all individuals. This study aimed to study the difficulties faced by wheelchair users when they leave home to fulfill their obligations and duties or when seeking leisure. And from the reports of the wheelchair users and their companions, it was possible to perceive how the lack of accessibility has impaired the participation of these citizens in society and how this has affected their dignity. It is important to build spaces that offer accessibility providing equal opportunities for all, accessibility provides access to work, leisure, education with total ease of movement. Therefore, the importance of accessibility in a city was perceived, and how it influences the life and well-being of all regardless of its limitations.Item A administração de estoque nas distribuidoras de alimentos de Parintins e sua relação com o método de curva ABC(2017-08-18) Souza, Kélvia; Silva, MagdaManage merchandise stock it’s know how put the product on the sheif and it’s necessary pay attention in it and this way it doesn’t become itself a rose up cost. In this procedure the storage area represents a high importance and it is the most active way of the organization company groups. Then it is relevant direct the planning and adjusting it in the operations to reach the organizational aims. This search had objective of studying how happens the way of administrating the stock in the management of food companies about ABC Curve, which make help it on the sale policy establishing priority sectors, beyond the product programming and other usual problems in the companies. The applied methodology was quali - qualitative bibliographical search and inductive method. Intend itself make observation if there is absence of technical knowledge of the studied companies about planning and control of stock such as the ABC Curve. It’s so valid demonstrate this way how ABC Curve can be helping the Companies make their analysis and conditions the necessities about items which demand their biggest consumption.Item A Afetividade e o Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-02-22) Paiva, Márcia Maria SoaresThis work is the result of a research that had as main objective to analyze to what extent the affectivity interferes in the teaching-learning process of the students of the 3rd year of Elementary School. The research emerged from questions experienced in the period of the stage where we observed that the children had several behaviors that denounced diverse emotions and feelings. In view of this, we outline the specific objectives: Identify which feelings and emotions the students demonstrate most clearly in the classroom; to verify how the teacher deals with affectivity in the teaching-learning process, and; find out in which situations students demonstrate greater ease of learning. For that, a bibliographic and field study was carried out, in which it was based on authors such as Cosenza and Guerra (2011), Kandel (2014), Damásio (2015), Sternberg (2010) Wallon (1941), Arantes (2003), Galvão (2011) and others who discuss the issue with great propriety. The research is justified because it is a personal concern since graduation, but specifically the disciplines of Psychology and the need to broaden the discussions about the inseparable relationship between what affects us daily and our ability to learn, our cognition. It is a qualitative research that allows an understanding of school everyday, with the method of dialectical approach, since it understands reality as a concrete totality constituted by active and historically constituted subjects. The data collected were from participant observation and semi-structured interview to the class teacher. In the research it was evident that affective issues directly interfere in students' learning, either positively or negatively, as children still do not have control of their emotions and feelings allowing them to blend with the capacity to learn. Keywords: Affectivity;Item Agricultura familiar e trabalho educativo com crianças na escola Municipal São Pedro do Marajó, Rio Uaicurapá, Parintins/M(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-29) Gomes, Aroldo Pereira; Silva, Simone Souza; Silva, Simone Souza; Vasconcelos, Georgina Terezinha Brito de; Albarado, Edilson da CostaThis work aimed to analyze the difficulties and possibilities that emerge in the relationship between educational work of chidren in family agricultural work and their teaching learning process in the 1st to 5th year in a multigrade elementary school classe from São Pedro Municipal School Uaicurapá, Pin- Am observed in small groups of peasant families, whose children participate or not in activities developed together with their parents. We start from the idea that family farming has as its main characteristic, the collective activities, through the use of nature's resources, whose practice allows the individual to survive sustainably, without negatively impacting the environment. The research was theoretically based on studies developed by authors such as Hage (2005), Souza (2009), Witkoski (2010), Ghedin (2013;2016), Borges and Mourão (2014), Silva (2017). The methodological route of the research is of a qualitative nature, through the approach of dialectical historical materialism, which used data collection instruments, such as: the questionnaire, the interview and the talking circle, through which it was possible to understand the texture of established social relations, as well as understanding the needs that lead to the articulation of educational pedagogical work and family agricultural work. The study brings the researcher's life story, because his trajectory is intertwined with the life story of several students today, however, in different contexts, understanding the dialectic of life, and the transformations that occur in the way of being, acting and thinking of the subjects. Reflective practice points to the need to defend a Rural Education, as a conquest of social movements through struggles, clashes and heated discussions for comprehensive educational policies beyond the school space, whose role gains relevance in the construction of a strengthened peasant ideal, considering the protagonism, experiences, values and knowledge emanated by its subjects.Item Agricultura familiar em quintais peri urbanos: um estudo na comunidade de São Pedro do Parananema, no município de Parintins - AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-11-28) Marinho, Allan Gomes; Silva, Charlene Maria Muniz; Jacaúna, Carmen Lourdes Freitas dos Santos; Santos, Álem Silvia Marinho dosThis study aims to analyze the importance of family farming in urban backyards, and identify the main characteristics of production, pointing out different types of creations and plantations, surveying residents who work in the practice of family farming in the Peri area. Urbana which is the community of São Pedro do Pararanema. In the locality, about 26 families use the practice of family farming, that is, the backyards produced are mixed between large and medium scale. To carry out this work, we sought as a subsidy the qualitative research for data collection. The work sought to clarify the importance of family farming in the community, which deserves to be investigated and analyzed. The work collected data through interviews and forms. Thus, it was found that all the families surveyed present the production of family farming, diversifying their urban backyards, with their own characteristics of plantations and creations. The production that is carried out by family farmers is shown to be for their own consumption, and to obtain additional income to help support the family. This work aimed to highlight the main form of production of backyards, maintained by family members in the urban Peri area of the city of Parintins, where the São Pedro do Parananema Community is located.Item Agricultura familiar sob a perspectiva de segurança alimentar e fonte de renda com a produção e comercialização dos derivados da mandioca (os beijús) dos agricultores (as) da comunidade do maranhão – Parintins-AM.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-29) Gomes, Jordegleidsonhe present study was characterized as a case study and its main objective was to analyze the importance of family agriculture from the perspective of food security and source of income with the production and commercialization of cassava (beijus) Community of Nossa Senhora das Graças of Maranhão, Parintins-AM municipality, and as specific objectives: to identify the production processes and to outline the socioeconomic profile of the farmers. The methodology used was direct observation, Interviews, and the application of a semi-structured questionnaire to 10 (ten) farmers who work on cassava cultivation, and after turning it into a final product, market their products directly at the Producer's Fair in the city of Parintins. In the sequence, a bibliographic survey was carried out, as well as secondary data collection and field research. In the quest for answers to some questions about the lack of regional food from family farms, and to understand the changes in the production chain of cassava products, where flour is no longer the main product of these farmers, Who are adjusting to the rules imposed by the market, and have developed the perception of working with products available in their production units, and which generate a better income for their family. In the research it was possible to verify that the farmers develop their means and production methods in a traditional way, and their fields are constructed according to the size of the families and the available labor force, influencing the size of the plots, changing the relations of Production that was made through labor exchanges, known as puxirum among the farmers, today, the majority, daily paid in the construction of His work. Thus, using bank credit financing such as PRONAF B - FNO (Family Agriculture Strengthening Program), which helps to subsidize the cultivation of cassava. However, cassava crop cultivation is the main source of income for the farmers under study, however the flour lost space for other derivatives such as beiju (washed beiju, beiju cica, beiju scarf, beiju quebradinho and beiju pé-de- This exchange occurred due to several factors, which favor this exchange, a better Value added of the product; Less demand for time and work; And the lower use of raw materials, favoring work and better income and food security for families.Item Aldeia Matrinxã: análise das potencialidades didáticas para o ensino de geografia.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-29) Harawa, SeryesaThe present work presents the result of an observational research, following a descriptive analytical paradigm that has as its theme "Aldeia Matrinxã: analysis of didactic potentialities for the teaching of geography". The Matrinxã Village belongs to the municipality of Nhamundá-AM that over the years, despite the frequent contact with the population of the cities of Nhamundá-AM and Faro-PA, the ethnic Hexkaryanas that inhabit this village try to maintain their mother tongue, culture, customs , Values and tradition in order to cultivate their cultural identity. The work presents the considerations of an academic who is a resident of this village, and counted on the contribution of local residents, as well as the teachers of the Municipal School Pedro Waraka, to weave their considerations on the analysis made. In this diagnosis, the characteristics of the community are presented regarding physical, social, economic and environmental characteristics; Elements of great value for the teaching of geography. Hexkaryanas, like many ethnic groups inhabiting the Amazon, have a culturally developed relationship with the land and draw from it what they need for their survival. They develop a relationship of greater balance and respect for the environment, where the products of the land (fish, fruits, hunting etc.) are vital to their livelihood. The research results point to the Matrinxã Village as a non-formal learning space in potential, through a prior planning of the activities developed there and the sensitivity of the teacher to know how to take advantage of this potential in the organization of their classes. Therefore, it is believed that this work can be collaborative in identifying the potential of this village to teach and learn geography and at the same time to cultivate in students the appreciation of their own culture.Item A alfabetização Cartográfica nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: um estudo realizado na escola Municipal Mércia Cardoso Coimbra no município de Parintins/AM.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-09-28) Mourão, ElcileneThis article intends to bring some considerations about cartographic literacy in the initial series of the Mércia Cardoso Coimbra school in the municipality of Parintins / AM. In order to achieve this, we highlight the following specific objectives: i) Identify how Cartography is being worked on in the initial series of the institution; ii) Describe the factors that interfere in the dynamics of Cartographic Literacy in the school under study; iii) To propose means to facilitate the work of Cartographic literacy carried out by the teachers of Geography in the initial series. In order to answer these questions, the bibliographical research and field research were carried out, with the participation of 3 teachers of geography of the initial series. Among the main findings of the research it was evidenced that teachers have mastery of cartographic literacy, its concepts and its importance for the education of students. They use the methodology of teaching that clearly passes to their students on cartography, by means of activities that lead them to experience techniques of spatial representation. It was also possible to verify that the family does not participate in the cartographic literacy process, and this may influence this teaching. The school, as a socializing institution, may be investing in informative lectures for the families of the children, in order to affirm the importance of the family in the process of cartographic literacy of the students.Item Alimentação e cultura: um estudo das transformações no habitus alimentar na comunidade Nova União no município de Barreirinha – AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-10-05) Vieira, PatríciaThe Amazon is characterized by an exuberant natural wealth, which makes it a stage of great ambition for profit and economic purposes and at the same time the struggle for its conservation or sustainable development. What also draws attention to the Amazon region are the native populations and their dietary ways. With a focus on feeding these traditional communities, the Amazon has few studies on dietary habits. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of the Sateré - Mawé indigenous identity through its gastronomy, focusing its correlations with the identification of the main traditional items of the Sateré gastronomy, and its importance in cultural identity; to present the main modifications in the Sateré - Mawé food habitats; and reflect on the importance of traditional Sateré eating habits for reaffirmation of identity and appreciation of traditional knowledge. The referent study was carried out in the perspective of qualitative research. The data collected were through participatory observation and semi-structured interviews with the heads of 09 families from the community Nova União do rio Andirá in the municipality of Barreirinha. Having the contribution of the dialectical method, for it provides a dynamic and totalizing basis for interpretation of reality. The data analysis was based on the codification and categorization of the information, and the descriptive, theoretical and interpretive analysis of the content was carried out. The results demonstrate the transformations that the Sateré-Mawé suffered in their food habitus, ranging from the use of techniques such as the use of timbó for fishing and the way of making crops, the economic and political aspect, with government action with regard to land demarcation limiting their living conditions and activities such as hunting and fishing, and welfare through social benefits such as retirement and family allowance, favoring other food consumption conditions such as those of industrialized foods. Also stressing the role of religion, emphasizing here the predominant in the area of study, the Adventist religion that impose certain taboos for the consumption of some food. As well as the education that is imposed on the Mawé, as it does not support or value their own culture. In conclusion, it was evidenced that Sateré-Mawé feeding is for the most part industrialized foods, making the foods that were traditionally consumed, as a second option, this process is the result of several transformations that the Sateré-Mawé suffered, among them political, economic, religious and cultural.Item Alimentação escolar e renda In segurança alimentar na periferia da cidade de Parintins-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-08-29) Tavares, MarceloOne of the main challenges today is access to adequate and healthy food. In Brazil, 84.65% of the population live in cities according to data from the last census (2010). In other words, this amount of people has in income their main means of access to food. However, other access comes through free school feeding and, in Brazil, constitutes one of the largest public policies focused on the food security of its population. The school's role in feeding a significant portion of the Brazilian population is important. In this context, school feeding, especially on the outskirts of cities, replaces one of the main daily meals. Data from the Zero Hunger Program (2003) show that for 56% of students in the Northern region, school meals represent the main meal of the day. This work is a case study of the reality of the municipal school "Sister Cristine" located in the peripheral area of Parintins / AM. The sample consisted of 157 students of the 6th year of the morning shift, of both sexes, aged between 10 and 15 years. The data will be statistically demonstrated in graphs and tables format. The analysis of the results highlights that 62% of students have school feeding as a substitute for one of the main meals. Therefore, access to food in urban areas is carried out by income and in the outskirts of the city, school feeding is part of the food security of peripheral families with low purchasing power. Thus, the general objective of our study is to verify the degree of dependency of low-income families in the urban periphery of Parintins in relation to school feeding.Item Alimentos tradicionais na feira do produtor de Parintins - AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-12-06) Souza, Marilene Souza de; Santos, Alem Silvia Marinho dos; Jacaúna, Carmen Lourdes Freitas dos Santos; Eleutério, Célia Maria SerrãoThe present work refers to traditional foods, whose objective is to analyze the dynamics of consumption of traditional foods, at the producer's fair, by the population of the city of Parintins-AM. With the emergence of large supermarkets, markets and others, the consumption of other types of food became easier. In this context, the importance of demonstrating the fair as a space that encompasses the social, cultural and economic aspects of the city. At fairs, traditional foods are offered, mostly by small farmers who resist the practice of family farming. The research is qualitative and quantitative, about a case study in loco, through informal conversations, questionnaires, observations with the purpose of collecting data from the research. The change in eating habits involving the Parintinese population does not rule out the consumption of traditional foods. The family food culture is relevant regarding the choice of food, in this sense, the consumption of cassava derivatives, fish and fruits, which are traditional foods, remains. Despite the difficulties of small farmers from the cultivation to the sale of their products, they seek to present their food in a healthy, quality and hygienic way to keep their clientele. The food available is mostly local, which is significantly important for the city of Parintins-AM. Thus, the population of Parintina is involved in changing their eating habits, but they do not discard the family's food culture passed down from generation to generation and the custom of going to fairs.Item Alimentos transgênicos na perspectiva do Parintinense: uma análise sobre as mudanças alimentares(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-11-28) Farias, Deydiana do Carmo Trindade; Santos, Alem Silvia Marinho dos; Jacaúna, Carmen Lourdes Freitas dos Santos; Albarado, Edilson da CostaGiven the transformations in society and changes in eating habits, the production and consumption of transgenic foods have been growing and consolidating in the food area. Thus, it becomes necessary to know if the foods transgenics are consumed randomly or consumers have information enough of the products they are buying. Inform and make the academic community and society in general regarding this type food and with the purpose of contributing to a better quality of life; so our main objective is to investigate the level of information of the consumers in relation to transgenic foods in the city of Parintins-AM. A literature review was carried out, and through the case study method and the qualitative and quantitative approach, interviews were conducted, with questionnaires and observations in locu, in a supermarket in the urban area of the city. Based theoretical we have the contributions of Carneiro (2003), Costa; Schor (2013), Estimate CCP et al (2009), Tatiana Schor et al (2015), Reis et al (2016) among others. The information that consumers demonstrate when buying transgenic food, they are still somewhat deficient, because of the lack of knowledge to respect of this type of genetically modified food. Because of these factors, people, supermarket customers still do not know how to recognize this type of food, and the doubts whether or not these products are bad for your health are big ones. Therefore, it becomes imperative to create information mechanisms, the respect for the production, origin, circulation and consumption of transgenic foods, and that this information reaches everyone.Item Aluno surdo na licenciatura em matemática: desafios a serem superados(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-02-06) Souza, Dainara Silva deThis paper aims to discuss the difficulties that are present in the relation between teaching and learning of a deaf student and his interpreter in a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. Firstly, we identify the main learning difficulties of the deaf student, we highlight some difficulties of interpretation experienced by two interpreters of Libras and we conclude by analyzing in what terms the Libras facilitates the teaching of mathematics for this student. In order to reach the proposed objectives, we conducted interviews with the deaf student and his interpreters of Libras, we observed both the professional practice of the interpreter and the difficulties of the student-deaf and interpreter relationship for a period of 30 days in two subjects of this student's curriculum. Through the analysis of the data obtained in the interviews and the observations made, we verified the difficulties and the challenges that the deaf student and these professionals face daily and we comment the contributions of the Libras exemplifying situations in which their correct use facilitates in the process of teaching / learning of the deaf student .Item "AmarElo": O Rap de Emicida como recurso didático para o ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2022-10-26) Silva, Petrin Brasil da; Ferreira, Arcângelo da Silva; Ferreira, Arcângelo da Silva; Carvalho, Mary Tãnia dos Santos; Silva, Patrícia Regina Lima daMusic is an important didactic resource for teaching history in schools, we can listen to protest songs from a certain period and realize that they are full of criticism of the context in which they were written. Thus, this article proposes the use of raps in the classroom, emphasizing Emicida's documentary made from the last released album "AmarElo". To develop this work, we chose four central songs to analyze and promote debates, specifically on Afro-Brazilian history and culture, based on laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08 that make the teaching of African and Indigenous History and Culture mandatory in the curriculum school. In addition, the lyrics of the songs are full of meanings and address important social themes for the production of knowledge. We used authors such as Righi (2011), Pimentel (1997) and Costa (2013). We intend to expand the history teaching resources in the classroom, using the expressions of characters who tell the difficulties of living in peripheries, living with inequalities such as racial, social, gender, and through raps, debates can be promoted among students.Item Amazônia: herança de uma utopia uma análise sobre os processos de “desenvolvimento da Amazônia” do apogeu ao declínio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-06-10) Souza, Joyce Lopes de; Silveira, Diego Omar da; Silveira, Diego Omar da; Medeiros, Mônica Xavier de; Bianchezzi, ClariceThe present article aimed to describe the documentary “Amazônia-Herança de uma Utopia” analyzing the processes of “development of the Amazon” from its apogee to its decline, showing to what extent it can help us understand a little bit of the history of the Amazon region. Therefore, the documentary addresses important facts that can be used as a historical source, the various attempts to colonize the Brazilian Amazon during the 20th century, with historical photos, initiatives and actions that resulted in ecological, demographic, political and economic impacts or changes. Using the methodology of bibliographic research, data collection, and documentary analysis from the documentary “Amazônia-Herança de uma Utopia” the proposal is to know a little about the History of the Amazon whose dimensions are inserted in the regional history.