EST - Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso Graduação

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Item
    Projeto e implantação de um sistema solar fotovoltaico e de um sistema de automação de iluminação em uma granja de pequeno porte.
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-31) Alves, Thiago Francisco Paes; Río, Daniel Guzmán del; Río, Daniel Guzmán del; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de; Macedo, Pierre
    Searching for an applicable alternative to solve problems in the development of the interiors of the state of Amazonas related to lack of energy and technological resources. This work aims to address the design and implementation of a photovoltaic solar generator in a small farm, as well as the automation of local lighting, describing the technical procedures, electrical design and technology used, to finally perform a financial analysis of the system through economic indicators such as rate of return investment and payback to measure the real gain with the implementation of the system, resulting in a clearance of the viability of the system in a real environment.
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    Desenvolvimento de um software para auxiliar o aprendizado de conceitos e aplicações abordados na disciplina de processamento digital de imagens.
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-31) Campos, João Vitor Da Silva; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de; Figueiredo, Ingrid Sammyne Gadelha; Pantoja, Antônio Luiz Alencar
    The work presents the development of a software for learning concepts of the discipline of digital image processing, bringing in assistant professors who teach these subjects and exemplifying in a practical way the techniques taught in the classroom, facilitating and contributing to the understanding by the student. . The techniques developed in the tool are the limits of where the image is binarized from a pixel intensity value, changing the brightness and contrast in the image with visualization of their respective histograms, applications of low pass filters with Gaussian and average filters that allow smoothing the image with noise like salt and pepper, applying high pass filters with edge detection by the Canny and Sobel operators, and finally the visualization of RGB and YCbCr color spaces and in grayscale. To validate the results and the functioning of the tool, a satisfaction survey was carried out with students who attended or attended the PDI subject using the average ranking calculation.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Classificação de cenas aéreas em sensoriamento remoto: Uma abordagem utilizando dados de imagem e som e self-supervised learning
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-08) Ayres, Talissa Moura; Figueiredo, Carlos Maurício Serodio; Figueiredo, Carlos Maurício Serodio; Pantoja, Antônio Luiz Alencar; Cardoso, Fábio de Sousa
    Scene classification is an activity in computer vision where models can understand a context or environment without focusing solely on classifying a single object, as in image classification. Therefore, it is an area of extensive research currently, as it is used in important tasks such as content-based retrieval and smart content moderation. Additionally, when performed with remote sensing data, it is crucial for understanding the environment around us, being applied in tasks such as city monitoring and land use classification. Emphasizing the classification of aerial scenes, many of these studies are based on using convolutional neural networks for this activity, thus relying on a large number of annotations for images. Hence, the application of new training techniques such as self-supervised learning (SSL), where the model first learns to generate representations from pseudolabels before performing the main task, has been more widely applied in recent literature. Furthermore, the possibility of using multimodal data with geolocated images and sounds to improve model performance in this task has been demonstrated through the ADVANCE and SoundingEarth datasets. Therefore, this paper demonstrates the use of SSL and audiovisual remote sensing data in conjunction with the application of vision transformers, a new deep learning architecture based on attention mechanisms, for generating embeddings. Firstly, pre-training was conducted on SoundingEarth, using batch triplet loss to bring closer pairs of positive image and sound data and separate distinct pairs. Subsequently, these representations were applied to a logistic regression model to classify aerial scenes from ADVANCE. The results obtained showed precision, recall, and F1-Score above 80% for models trained with both image and sound embeddings. Considering only image embeddings, results were also above 80%, and considering only audio, results were above 40% for these metrics.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de telemetria para monitoramento de qualidade de água em rios amazônicos
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-09-01) Silva, Rubem Silas Dias; Fernandes, Rubens de Andrade; Fernandes, Rubens de Andrade; Torné, Israel Gondres; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de
    The present work presents the development of a telemetry system for water quality indicators. The purpose is to enable remote, periodic, and self-sustaining monitoring of chemical and biological parameters in Amazonian rivers through precise sensors over long distances. The implementation of the proposed research began with the modeling of a microcontrolled hardware device designed for low energy consumption, featuring energy harvesting, battery backup, LoRa connectivity, and support for reading laboratory water quality measurement sensors. In addition to the envisioned hardware system, the developed firmware was designed to efficiently coordinate sensor activation, peripheral devices, and LoRa radio communication, as well as establish communication via the LoRaWAN protocol with a web application for displaying water quality information. With the implementation of the proposed telemetry device, it is expected to assess the system’s autonomy in remote locations and compare the measurements taken by the device with those recorded by the research group at the LabRios laboratory, located at the Center for Higher Studies in Parintins. This will ultimately test the viability of the developed solution as a valid tool for monitoring river parameters.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Estudo de proteção secundária de subestação visando garantir a qualidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica aos consumidores
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-08) Assunção, Patrick Da Silva; Torné, Israel Gondres; Torné, Israel Gondres; Fernandes, Rubens de Andrade; Vilaça, Neilson Luniere
    This paper presents a comprehensive study of the secondary protection of a substation in a horizontal residential condominium. The main objective is to guarantee the safety and proper functioning of the electrical system, minimizing the risk of failures and damage to equipment. The object of the study therefore consists of analyzing the substation's secondary protection, which includes the protection devices used, such as relays, circuit breakers and monitoring systems. In addition, the methodology adopted in this study was based on a literature review to understand the theoretical concepts and standards in force relating to the secondary protection of substations, as well as an analysis and survey of the electrical system of the residential condominium, considering the load demanded, the topology of the system and the existing equipment. Finally, the results of the study will be presented with graphs, diagrams and tables, so that a conclusion can be drawn about the study as a whole. This study highlights the need for investment in secondary protection for substations in residential condominiums, in order to guarantee a quality electricity supply to residents. The use of suitable relays and protection devices, together with advanced monitoring systems, helps to prevent faults and reduce the downtime of the electrical system, promoting greater safety and efficiency.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Estudo de proteção secundária para usina fotovoltaica de 2,5 mw localizada no estado do amazonas
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-08) Frederico, Caio César Chagas; Azevedo, Cláudio Gonçalves de; Azevedo, Cláudio Gonçalves de; Cirino, Weverson dos Santos; Macedo, Pierre
    This work presents a study of secondary electrical protection for a 2.5 MW photovoltaic substation, located in the state of Amazonas. The study complies with the resolutions of the National Electric Energy Agency that regulate the topic, as well as the technical standard of the local utility, Amazonas Energia (AmE). Electrical parameters calculations were performed, and the secondary electrical protection coordination diagram was elaborated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the study, considering the protection functions: 25, 27, 46, 47, 50/51, 50N/51N, 59, 67, 78, 81U/O, the connection scheme performed in the protection relay, equipment and specifications necessary for the implementation of the project and order of adjustments in the relay parameterization.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Aplicação de técnicas de deep learning para autenticação de usuários através do reconhecimento facial em notebooks
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-09-01) Silva, Monique Sousa; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de; Fernandes, Rubens de Andrade; Pantoja, Antônio Luiz Alencar
    The present work aims to apply techniques of digital image processing and neural networks to authenticate and unlock notebooks. For this, knowledge of the Viola-Jones algorithm was used on this project, which applies Haar's rectangular features to make complex images simpler for analysis, and of the Adaptive Boosting Algorithm, to classify the weight of the features identified in the images. A deep learning approach associated with artificial neural networks was also conducted to reinforce the correct identification of the faces used to verify the system, and to better understand the operation behind the manipulation of the digital image signal for its analysis. For validation and testing of the system, a dataset of 700 publicly available images from 50 distinct users was employed, utilizing evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, and F-score. According to the results, a minimum accuracy of 98,6% and a maximum of 100% were achieved, along with a minimum precision of 62,5% and a maximum of 100%. Sensitivity ranged from a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 100%, specificity ranged from a minimum of 98,5% to a maximum of 100%, and F-score ranged from a minimum of 66,7% to a maximum of 100%
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Estudo de caso de um sistema de geração fotovoltaico conectado à rede para sede do hub-tecnologia e inovação
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2024-02-14) Lima, Luan Richerd Rocha De Lima; Gomes, Raimundo Cláudio Souza; Gomes, Raimundo Cláudio Souza; Pantoja, Antônio Luiz Alencar; Torné, Israel Gondres
    The present case study conducts an in-depth analysis of a project for implementing a grid-connected photovoltaic system (On-grid), to be installed on the roof of the HUB – Technology and Innovation at UEA. This project has been meticulously calculated, based on prior drone survey and AutoCad projection, and notably includes considerations regarding the new regulations established by Law 14,300 and Resolution 1000 from ANEEL. In this context, the HUB's dependence on the electrical grid of Manaus is carefully addressed, highlighting the strategic importance of transitioning to cleaner and more efficient energy sources. This study aims to present a project that not only targets energy efficiency goals but also seeks an economically sustainable solution, primarily for the HUB, but potentially applicable to similar cases. The emphasis in this study is placed on reducing or eliminating energy costs through the implementation of this grid-connected photovoltaic system. The analysis of the results from the emulation of the designed photovoltaic system, considering operational data from the electrical plant and solar insolation during the period, is highly relevant, demonstrating a notable reduction in energy costs and a stable projection for the future, including considering the quick return on investment in a few years. Thus, this study provides evidence of the technical and economic feasibility of projects of this nature, based on the criteria established here, with the application case being the building of the HUB – Technology and Innovation at the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA).
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Predição de consumo de bateria de usuário 5G em ondas milimétricas por agregação de portadora e uso da CPU
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-10-06) Santos, Ítalo Da Silva; Mendes, Otoniel da Cunha; Mendes, Otoniel da Cunha; Pereira, Elainne Ladislau Ferreira; Paz Junior, Diógenes Santos
    5G brings a significant advancement in bandwidth extension through the use of millimeter waves (mmWave). Previously impractical services such as eMBB, URLCC, and mMTC can be applied with QoS and QoE for users connected to the network. The mmWave bandwidth expansion is enhanced with MIMO and CC schemes to meet various end-user demands. However, the primary limiting factor for high data rates under ideal transmission conditions is the CPU processing capacity and power consumption of the UE, which can reach critical levels more quickly leading to user disconnection. Under critical levels of CPU processing in the UE, this work presents an estimation model to determine CPU usage growth in the UE based on network resources, such as the number of carrier components (CC) and their supported data rate transfer. Thus, the correlation of this estimate with battery current consumption is evaluated in terms of discharge prediction, allowing for anticipation of network rate adaptation via CC for extending UE battery life.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Desenvolvimento de um sistema de monitoramento remoto para otimização da coleta seletiva em Manaus
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2023-08-31) Oliveira, Holyvers Vinícius Morais De; Cardoso, Fábio de Sousa; Cardoso, Fábio de Sousa; Pantoja, Antônio Luiz Alencar; Oliveira, Jozias Parente de
    As urban areas continue to witness an increase in waste production, the efficiency of the waste collection process lags behind. This is attributed to the lack of public policies in waste management, which is evident in the planning of collection routes. Generally, routes are executed without considering whether the bins are full at that moment, resulting in fuel wastage and urban mobility challenges for waste collection vehicles. Furthermore, due to the delay in collection, waste bins overflow, leading to environmental degradation through the emission of pollutants and negative societal impacts such as disease transmission, insect proliferation, and increased public cleaning expenses. The present study aims to develop a prototype of a remote monitoring system specifically tailored for the selective collection of recyclable waste in the city of Manaus, located in the Amazonas state. This endeavor was achieved through the utilization of LoRa communication technology, the MQTT communication protocol, and an ultrasonic sensor for monitoring the fill level of these waste bins and their location. Based on the collected data, this information was transmitted to an IoT platform known as TagoIO with the purpose of presenting it in Dashboards. To represent recyclable waste materials in the project, materials such as paper, plastic, metal, and glass were used, which consisted of pieces of paper, plastic bottles, metal cans, and glass cups, respectively. At the end, 4 tables are presented, each containing the information obtained from 5 test cases conducted for each type of recyclable material. Additionally, 4 Dashboards are displayed, with each one showing the data related to a test case for a specific recyclable waste type, as presented in the tables, for an overall analysis of this data.