Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA
URI permanente desta comunidade
A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.
Item Inclusão Social na Amazônia. Perspectiva da teoria dialógica de Paulo Freire(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-11-23) Palheta, Leila Maria Souza; Filipe, Marluce de Amorim; Campos, Manuel do Carmo da SilvaThe text presented here is about the Dialogicity of Paulo Freire, from his work entitled "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", which deals with the theme in its third chapter, highlighting relevant aspects of the Education Philosophy of the aforementioned author for the educational action in the educator-pupil relationship and vice versa, mediated by the world through generative themes and explicitly articulated with the community, including their yearnings with human meanings in search of their true liberation. This is what designed the Social Inclusion in Educational Process illustrated in the field research on the application of the Program “Rewriting the Future” in the Municipality of Maraã in the State of Amazonas. Keywords: Dialogicity; Release; Pedagogy of the Oppressed; Adult Literacy.Item Saberes de cura e práticas corporais: pajelança na feira da Manaus Moderna(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-11-26) Castro, Mírian de Araújo Mafra; Cavalcante, Rubia Maria FariasThis study has sought to know the experience of a benzedor/puxador (faith healer) of indigenous origin in the context of the city of Manaus. The methodology used was The-matic Oral History. The instruments used for collecting data were: direct observation and semi structured interview with one faith healer that does the healing practices, ben-zeção/puxação, in the Feira da Manaus Moderna (Modern Manaus Fair). The discussion on the data collected approached the knowledges practiced by the faith healer according to healing (blessing) and religiosity aspects, ancestral knowledge, and puxação practices in a city context. The concluding analysis points to the necessity of knowing and valuing the knowledges and practices of the benzeção/puxação and their benefits to the well-being of those who seek such treatments in favor of their physical/mental/spiritual health, which are considered as alternative compared to traditional medicine developed in the West. Although the indigenous and cabocla pajelança has been persecuted through centuries of colonization, this healing practice persists and still makes its presence in Manaus, capital city of Amazonas. Keywords: Indigenous pajelança; Benzeção and religiosity; City.Item A participação dos carismáticos católicos na política amapaense(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-11-30) Reis, Marcos Vinicius de Freitas; Souza, Newrison Barbosa deThe objective of this study is to analyze and understand the participation and political involvement of the movement of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR), and as has been organizing for electoral processes that occur in the state of Amapá. It is intended to research how this movement has organized internally to participate in elections and monitoring of their representatives and their influences. The choice of politicians that religious affiliation was given because of the significant number of sympathizers and supporters. The insertion of Catholics in the political arena is due to the fact that the expressiveness of the activities of charismatic in Brazil. Keywords: Catholic Charismatic Renewal; Religion and Politics; Political Representation.Item Mitologia e arte: representações femininas nos bumbás de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-12-15) Vieira Filho, Raimundo DejardThis text was built in the form of an essay that merges the author’s academic experience and personal interest in art philosophy with his experiences with the bois-bumbás from Parintins. It works with the hypothesis that the bumbás reenact and renew myths from Amazonic culture, that acquire, through this process, a new space in urban and current culture. The role of female representations in the bois-bumbás has been particularly ex-plored. Keywords: Mythology, Boi-Bumbá, Art Philosophy.Item Presentes e invisíveis: os kardecistas em Parintins e a trajetória do Centro Espírita Anna Prado(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-12-22) Souza, Ian Carlos Reis; Silveira, Diego Omar daParintins is a town located in the mid-lower region of the Amazon river, and like many others, still holds a strong catholic identity. According to the 2010 Demographic Census, there are only 54 individuals who declare themselves kardecian spiritists in the location (0,05% of the total population). There are, however, strong indices that this doctrine has,in the past, had a significant number of adepts. This study sought to understand how a group composed by the local elite – which was even responsible for the existence of a local spiritist newspaper, entitled O Semeador –, was dissolved without leaving any sort of institutional long-term remembrance. Through the few sources that talk about the pres-ence of spiritists in the region, we sought to understand how kardecian spiritists began to reorganize themselves from the year 2000 onwards, initially as a study and prayer group, once again called “Amor e Caridade” and, after 2008, as a duly registered philanthropic association with a central office – the Centro Espírita Anna Prado. Keywords: Religions; Parintins; Spiritism; Anna Prado.Item A Festa como espaço de interação na Obra Educativa Salesiana(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-08) Silva, Rosângela Siqueira da; Oliveira, Samara de MagalhãesThis article examines the characteristic of the religious feast on the basis of the Silesiana pedagogical proposal in the context of modernity and new paradigms in the individual / society relations, as well as the religious mobility of João Melquior Bosco, which points to actions and motivations in educational field Which somehow make the perception of social problems as individual problems. In the context of Salesian pedagogy, as an edu-cation of an inclusive dimension, that is, the one that has the function and disposition based on Christian values, of affectivity that converge to the integral valorization of the family, is still a deeply important model in Brazil. And in some way we could say that the dimensions between contemporary religious festivals and educational action pro-foundly influence the construction of new identities. Keywords: Party; Religious; Salesian Pedagogy.Item Reflexões Steinianas: entre a natureza divina e o protagonismo social do feminismo na Amazônia(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-13) Silva, Adson Manoel Bulhões daThis work searches for clarifying a doctrine of specifically female formation, with regard to the natural vocation of women, their empowerment and social protagonism in the Am-azon, highlighting the women's formation, before their natural and social being and in-volving feminist issues, which, for in turn, insists on understanding the woman only as a predominantly social being. With this, the woman suffocates her natural vocation of being a mother and a wife to act socially, mischaracterizing herself as a woman and assuminga masculine attitude towards society, the labor market, and even the family. By leaving her motherly vocation, the woman becomes more and more active in the profession or in the environment in which she is inserted professionally. However, her true vocation is to be a companion to the man and heart of the family. Stein (1999) deals with the relation of the feminine soul to the modern world, with regard to the very concept-tion of under-standing of the feminine being and the personality of the woman. It shows that women can gain space in the market and in society, being a competent and respected professional, without necessarily having to be mischaracterized. The Steinian approach to the subject, before attempting to impose a truth, seeks to dialogue seriously and openly with other positions on the subject. Keywords: Natural vocation of woman; Feminine being; Social protagonism.Item As origens de uma casa de cura do daime: o pronto socorro espiritual Raimundo Irineu Serra(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-20) Moura, Julia Lobato Pinto deThis article will discuss how Centro Pronto Socorro Espiritual Raimundo Irineu Ser-ra (CEPSERIS) (Spiritual Center Emergency Aid Raimundo Irineu Serra), which is lo-cated in the rural area of Rio Branco, Acre, arose and which, besides being another care-taker center of the teachings left by Raimundo Irineu Serra, has the specificity of beingreadily willing to meet, through the use of the Daime in healing works, that comes to the house for healing. Through a bibliographical research and the narratives of former fol-lowers it is possible to tell a little of the history of Wilson Carneiro de Souza, how he received from the founder of the doctrine, in the 1960s, the function of supporting the sick. From the experience of eight years with the group located in Vila Carneiro we pro-pose an interpretation about how this mission was over time being re-signified and inten-sified by their families. We also set out how the debate on the regulation of the therapeutic use of ayahuasca is going, trying to describe the position of the "Emergency Aid" as a religious institution, but also carries out a therapeutic work with the use of the drink. We hope to contribute by presenting experiences and narratives about this spiritual center of the Daime, which is part of the history of consumption expansion of ayahuasca and the doctrine left by Irineu Serra, and is a reference for other spiritual centers in various parts of the country. Keywords: History, Daime, Pronto Socorro, Religious and Therapeutic Use.Item Igreja Católica e educação popular através do movimento de educação de base (MEB) no Município de Parintins nas décadas de 1970 A 1990(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-02-25) Tavares, Euler Conceição; Medeiros, Monica Xavier deThis paper approaches the actions carried out by the Catholic Church in popular education and culture, especially the work conducted by the Movimento Educação de Base – MEB (Basic Education Movement) in the municipality of Parintins between the 1970s and1990s. The movement focused on popular education and was founded by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) in political articulation with the federal government in 1961. In Parintins, the MEB was implemented by Dom Arcângelo Cerqua, bishop of the diocese, after knowing about the project which was already being developed in the Northeast Region of Brazil. In the North, besides the municipality of Parintins, other popular education centers were inaugurated in the cities of Coari, Tefé and San-tarém. The purpose of these centers was to evangelize the rural populations in the Amazon region, teach literacy and to assist social, political and economic organization. MEB developed its activities through radio schools by using radio stations that belonged to the Catholic Church. Bibliographic research and Oral History were used in this study, with special emphasis given to interviews undertaken with two people who worked as coordinators and monitors for the MEB in the referred period. Keywords: Basic Education; Literacy; Rural worker; Parintins.Item A floresta entre edificações e religiosidade(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-03-07) Montysuma, Marcoshis article aims to discuss aspects of religion as popular culture as it is practiced by rubber tappers in the region around the city of Xapuri, in the State of Acre, Brasil. These communities have a close relationship with the forest, that provides rubber tapping as part of the local economy as well as animal protein to families. This relationship is supported and intermediated by deities, such as Caboclinho da Mata (the Father of the Forest), that are part of the ecosystem in which these groups interact. The research was performed following methodological procedures of Oral History, collecting the data through the re-cording of interviews with members of those communities. Key-words: Forest; Religiosity; Seringal; Oral History; Memory.Item Religião Católica: fronteiras e símbolos do sagrado de entre-lugares Amazônicos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-03-14) Lima, Geórgia PereiraThis paper focuses on presenting men’s and women’s social experiences in in-between places of the borderlands between Brazil and Bolivia, in the symbolic field of the sacred in Plácido de Castro (Acre/Brazil) and Santa Rosa del Abuná (Pando/Bolivia). These bor-derland spaces produced complex elements of culture (Bhabha, 2005) and of religiosities that enable analysis of the recreations of the social, cultural, religious and plural universes of that binational borderland. The processions of the “Bom Jesus do Abunã” (Acre) andof the “Virgem de Santa Rosa” (Pando), held by the catholic faith, indicate that the church presents itself as one of the cultural and religious references that transposes borders, ex-trapolating the geopolitical limits of Latin-Amazonic countries. However, this catholic universe also makes it possible to see the interactions and the influence of national bor-ders. Thus, we indicate that the continuity and discontinuity of borders and religions ex-poses, under the symbol of the sacred, which is manifest through the faith on part of the devotees and of the processions offered to saints from those places, the in-between place of catholic religion as a symbolic border (Bauman, 2001). Keywords: Brasivianos; Symbolic border; Virgem de Santa Rosa; Religiosity.Item Metodologia para introdução do manejo comunitário na pesca artesanal do camarão Macrobrachium Amazonicum nas comunidades de Parintins/AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-05-30) Taddei, Fabiano Gazzi; Silva, David Xavier da; Pereira, Francielen Alves; Farias, Fernando Sérgio dos SantosThe aim of this study was to develop a method of community sustainable management of prawn fisheries by communities in the region Parintins - AM, for the maintenance of artisanal fisheryand populational restoration. For this, samples of prawn sold in Parintins were acquired and analysed. The minimum capture size was estimated at 7.4 mm, a value which revealed that, on average, 23.2% (±7.14%) of prawns were below the sustainable size. In meetings with fishermen, set - up the size of the networks that were constructed internodes with the minimum capture size. Previous catches, showed an average efficiency of the net in 6.39% (±4.88), this mean that only this proportion of prawns were caught below the minimum stipulated, what characterizes, a number, an average 16.81% lower than that previously obtained. The artisanal fishing is an activity which is transmitted by generations for generations. The implementation of an efficient management project, associated with effective oversight, is critical to maintaining the income of the local population. Keywords: Amazonia, Macrobrachium amazonicum, management, artisanal fishing, natural resources.Item “Resto dos povos que já morreram”: colecionismo de material arqueológico no Distrito da Freguesia do Andirá – Barreirinha - Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-06-17) Souza, Daiane Cristina Souza de; Bianchezzi, ClariceThe present article presents some of the archaeological collections that are about the guardianship of the residents of the Distrito de Freguesia do Andirá, very rich in archaeological remains. This research had the collaboration of the community through informal conversation, questionnaire and observation wheels, which made it possible to meet the subjects who keep these collections and who showed interest in helping us share the knowledge, life histories related to Indian ceramics, bringing elements and information about how their collections were being formed, their relationship with them and how they were separated and stored among the thousands of pieces that are spread throughout the community. Keywords: archaeological collections; narratives; re-significances; Freguesia do Andirá.Item Terras caídas e consequências ambientais: um estudo na encosta fluvial no bairro Santa Clara em Parintins (AM)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-06-18) Azevedo Filho, João D’Anuzio Menezes de; Carvalho, Rafael dos Anjos; Glória, Sidney AraújoThis research aims to understand the dynamics of erosive processes and its environmental consequences on the river side of the Amazon River, based on the study of the riverbank of Santa Clara district, in the city of Parintins, seat of the homonymous municipality, in the state of Amazonas. In order to reach this objective, direct observations of the phenomenon on the city border were made, trying to comprehend the process that causes lateral erosion. This is only possible with a vast knowledge from the study of literature on the subject. The use of photographic images, measurements and bathymetry on the river bottom helped in this understanding. The results indicate that, in the river slope of the Santa Clara district imminence, the factors that cause the phenomenon of fallen lands are equivalent to those indicated in the literature on the subject, such as hydraulic pressure, base disaggregation and elements of the climate (rain, wind and temperature). The environmental impacts resulting from this are characterized by the collapse of the access road to the place, of trees and even walls, as well as the change in the natural landscape. It is concluded that the natural elements that act in the production of the phenomenon represent the main factors that lead to the collapse in the place of study, associated with the anthropic action and the lack of public investment to minimize the damages caused to the urbanized area and to the people who live or work there. Keywords: Erosion; Amazonia; Riverpeople; Fallen lands.Item Ensino da morfologia das folhas na educação básica em escola estadual do Município de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-06-26) Santos, Sandra Duque dos; Araújo, Joeliza NunesIn this paper we evaluate the implementation of a didactic sequence for the meaningful learning of leaf morphology with students of Basic Education. The didactic sequence was carried out in formal space (classroom) and in non-formal space (natural environment) through didactic strategies different from those that students experience in school every day. The methodology of the research is qualitative. We used as instruments for data collection the bibliographic research and didactic sequence that was carried out in five moments: walking on the trail, collection of excicates, text production, album assembly on leaf morphology and construction of conceptual maps. The texts produced revealed learning about plant diversity, plant morphology with emphasis on leaf morphology and plant physiology. The conceptual maps analyzed show hierarchical relationships between concepts of plant diversity treated during the didactic sequence. The Ausubelian principles of progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation are present in the maps constructed by the students surveyed. Therefore, the implementation of the didactic sequence was relevant for the meaningful learning of the leaf morphology and can contribute to the development of the scientific education of the students of Basic Education. Key words: Botany teaching. Meaningful Learning. Didactic sequence.Item Entre tambores e devoção: expressão de um catolicismo negro na Amazônia Amapaense(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-07-05) Antero, Alysson BraboThis work aims to investigate expressions of Afro-Brazilian religiosity in Amapa-Amazon. For that, a cultural and religious manifestation related to the afrodescendant population of the State of Amapa was analyzed, namely, the Marabaixo Circuit. Thus, allied bibliographic and field research through the ethnographic method. It was thus found that the Marabaixo in Macapa, for bringing together ludic and religious moments as part of a single ritual, did not depend on the approval of the church to happen and print, in devotion, Afro-Brazilian elements such as the drum, the dance, among others, is an expression of black Catholicism in the Amazon. The relevance of this study is to recognize that traces of Afro- Brazilian religiosity are not restricted to stage religions, but also to value the legacy of the Afro-descendant population in the religiosity of the population of the State of Amapa and to increase the available knowledge about expressions of religiosity Afro-Catholic in the Amazon. Keywords: Religiosity; Marabaixo; Black Catholicism.Item O espaço sob um olhar especial: a alfabetização cartográfica através da caracterização do espaço geográfico dos alunos deficientes intelectuais e com dificuldades na aprendizagem do município de Iranduba-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-25) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Matos, Suelen Da Silva; Santos, Laila Fernanda dosThis article is the product of the Academic Productivity Program of the University of the State of Amazonas, and is also part of the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - PIBICT, which aims to work and analyze cartographic literacy with students with learning difficulties and intellectual disabled in the municipality of Iranduba, describing the pedagogical practice of Geography teachers, regarding the Cartography activities carried out and presenting suggestions for teaching resources and pedagogical practices for the teaching of Geography. For this, with the assistance of the Municipal Education Secretariat, two educational institutions were chosen for the development and implementation of the project, namely: the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and the municipal School Santa Luzia. The research started from an interview with the school manager, to learn how the routine of students and teachers is fragmented; whether teachers use didactic materials to improve classes and how cartography activities are carried out with students. There were also activities with games in the class of students with intellectual disabilities, in order to obtain a diagnosis identifying the degree of difficulty of each student. Keywords: Geography teaching; Cartography; Intellectual Disability.Item Ensino da Morfologia do caule em escolas da educação básica(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-12) Silva, Leyce Alcântara da; Araújo, Joeliza NunesThis paper had the objective of evaluating the implementation of a didactic sequence for the significant learning of stem morphology with students of Basic Education. The didactic sequence was carried out in formal space (classroom) and in non-formal space (natural environment) through didactic strategies different from those that students experience in school everyday. The methodology of the research is qualitative. We used as tools for data collection bibliographic research and didactic sequence that was carried out in five moments: walking on the trail, collection of stem types, production of text, assembly of a collection of stems and construction of conceptual maps. The accomplishment of the didactic sequence resulted in the students' interest in learning significantly about biodiversity, vegetation and their interrelationships with other living beings. In the walk along the trail we provide students with greater contact with plant diversity in the living laboratory, especially with the stem morphology. Textual production and conceptual maps revealed significant learning about stem morphology. Coherentpropositions and hierarchical organization of concepts were presented in concept maps. We conclude that there was been a systematization between students' previous knowledge and the new knowledge. Therefore, through the implementation of the didactic sequence for the significant learning of the stem morphology, one can contribute to the development of the scientific education of the students of Basic Education. Key words: Botany teaching. Significant learning. Didactic sequence.Item Discutindo e visualizando identidade numa miscelânea de fazeres: a cidade de Manáos ao final do século XIX(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Braga, Bruno MirandaIn this article we will present some characteristics of what it was hybrid, mixed culture of the city of Manáos the end of the nineteenth century and the advent of the twentieth. During this period, the city was experiencing the urbanizing and political surge provided by the economic boom of the rubber economy. In their doings, the elite enriched tried to use import tastes and habits, knowledge and practices, to strip the city of its Indian status and cabocla. However, we see that many of these activities and knowledge were intertwined and incorporated into native, properly indigenous complexion, featuring a hodgepodge, a large mosaic of ways of living. Present as the meeting of the foreign culture with native, formed a peculiar type in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, in the progress of the century. Keywords: Manáos; City; Cultural hybridity; knowledge; practices.Item Gestão de segurança na organização e produção de eventos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Martins, Ronisley da SilvaThis article aims to describe the diagnostic and planning tools for the Safety Management Events, as well as measures for prevention of emergency occurrences. The methodology consisted in specific literature for the purpose of pointing theories, techniques for security to event professionals, giving a systemic vision of the set of safety procedures, in order to identify the risk of accidents, and this point as primary tool of events preliminary Risk Analysis. Keywords: Management; Security; Events.
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