Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA
URI permanente desta comunidade
A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.
Item Abastecimento de água para comunidades amazônicas: estudo do caso vila do lago do limão, município de Iranduba, estado Amazonas(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Sampaio, Ana Patrícia LimaThe community of Lemon Lake Village is located at kilometer 30 of the highway AM 70, which connects the municipalities of Iranduba Manaus, Manacapuru and Novo Airão. The site can be considered an ecological paradise near the city, with rivers, forests and marshy. However, drinking water is still one of the problems plaguing some populations of this region. In the present study was made to assess the quality of Lemon lake waters and groundwater wells, as the parameters pH, electrical conductivity, color, turbidity, total solids, nitrate and chloride. Some of these wells have problems of maintenance and flow, especially during the ebb. In this sense, the present study were presented and discussed some solutions to provide the supply of drinking water to coastal communities using surface water of the lake and the entities involved governmental and non-governmental organizations about the importance of studies for the implementation of treatment and water supply systems, thus promoting a continuous supply of water quality, which contributes to the quality of life of these populations Keywords: water; communities; consumer; treatment.Item Agricultura familiar e a ocupação do solo de terra preta em sítios arqueológicos na rodovia Am - 070 no trecho entre Iranduba e Manacapuru – Am(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Girão, Francisco Everardo; Martins, Ronisley da Silva; Azevedo Filho, João D’Anuzio Menezes deThis article highlights the relationship between archeology, family agriculture and Anthropogenic Dark Earth in the area covered by the Intervening Diagnostic Project Subsurface Prospecting Program in the Area of Direct Influence on the Duplication of the Highway AM 070 in the municipalities of Iranduba and Manacapuru, in Amazonas. For this, a bibliographical survey was carried out, a survey of existing archaeological sites by means of a deductive method of exploratory nature and field systematization, and the archaeological sites of relevant material culture value and rural production were identified and prospected, establishing a grid of survey points with opening of stratigraphic units and GPS point records, as well as technical notes written on appropriate records and photographic records of the research stages. The relation between the use and occupation of the archeological sites Granja do Brito and Anthropogenic Dark Earth in the production of the geographical space for the familiar agriculture demonstrated tradition in the planting of different cultures throughout the successive years until the present day. Family farming has been occurring since remote times in areas with the presence of Anthropogenic Dark Earth, which served as a means of survival and form of production for marketing in markets and fairs of the region. However, the buildings on the AM-070 highway in the mid-1970s and nowadays with its duplication, it has been emphasized the importance of the preservation of the local archaeological heritage through the diagnostic and archaeological rescue projects foreseen and carried out in the mentioned area. Keywords: Family Agriculture; Archaeological Site; Anthropogenic Dark Earth.Item Análise preliminar das alterações do clima no bairro Parque Dez de Novembro nos últimos três anos (2010 a 2013)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Vilhena, Flávia da Silva; Albuquerque, Carlossandro Carvalho de; Andrade Filho, Valdir; Batista, Ieda Hortêncio; Ferreira, Francisca da SilvaThis article shows the importance of studying the microclimate in urban sites. The goal is a comparative analysis of possible changes in the microclimate of Ten November Park neighborhood in the three years 2010 to 2013. The methodology adopted in this research is a quantitative evaluation of the literature surveys, data collected at the meteorological station of the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and Amazonas State University (UEA / EST), in addition to research in loco. The results allowed to see how the changes in the urban site changes the air heating and changes the environment of the microclimate in the neighborhood. Keyword: Climate; Anthropic; Plant coverage; Weather station.Item Arqueologia e educação patrimonial em comunidades amazônicas: uma experiência na floresta nacional de Tefé, Coari e Manaus (Am)(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Girão, Francisco Everardo; Mendonça, ArmindaThe work was developed in the riverside communities of the Tefé National Forest Park and in the municipalities of Coari and Manaus, in Amazonas, with Patrimonial Education actions carried out due to the archaeological research of the "Araracanga Project” of the PETROBRAS brand. It was necessary to hold workshops on archaeological awareness, lectures, presentation of archaeological sensitization kit and photographic exhibition: "The archaeological work", as well as technical visits in the riverside localities, using the participatory planning methodology with SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) matrix application and highlighting the natural and cultural vocations of the visited localities. The results were considered positive, although from the point of view of educators there is full awareness that activities carried out under the aegis of education do not end only with the fulfillment of what was proposed. It is also noting the effective participation of the communitarians in the Heritage Education activities in the local riverside communities, as well as the archaeological knowledge multipliers teachers of the municipalities involved. Keywords: Planning; Archaeology; Patrimonial Education; Community.Item Aulas de campo e o ensino da diversidade dos Miriápodes: uma experiência com alunos do 3° ano do ensino médio(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Júnior, Alex Aguiar PadilhaThe incorporation of experimental practical classesand field classes for learning the morphophysiological characteristics of animals are relevant for the meaningful learning of scientific concepts in Zoology. This work aimed to evaluate the contribution of a didactic sequence to the significant learning of concepts about Myriapods with students of Basic Education. The medology is qualitative. The bibliographic review and didactic sequence on the diversity of Myriapods based on Araújo (2014) were used as instruments for the development of the research. The texts produced revealed that there was learning about the diversity and characteristics of arthropods and the characteristics of myriapods, kilopods and diplopods. There was also a feeling of contentment from the students for participating in a field classon animals and reported on their difficulties in learning the technical names of the animals. The conceptual maps showed that the students were able to progressively differentiate the concepts treated in class. Therefore, the development of this research contributed to the scientific education and significant learning in Zoology of students in the 3rd year of high school at the participating public school.Item Biotecnologia; em casa: obtenção de biogás e biofertilizante empregando esterco e resíduos de alimentos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Santos, Menilson Azevedo dos; Santos, Raimundo Gracival de Almeida dos; Rodríguez, Arelis AbalosIn livestock production and processing and sale of food appreciable amounts of biodegradable waste to be deposited in the untreated waste contribute to the proliferation of vectors and diseases occur. These residues can be measured by anaerobic digestion to produce biogas and bio fertilizer. This paper aims to use waste food for cattle and produce biogas and biofertilizers in simple home digesters for use in small rural communities. The methodology consisted in designing a simple digester from recycled material. The biogas produced is used as fuel for cooking food and digested sludge fertilization chives. 5L two digesters were used, using the 70 % volume of the reactor with manure and foods. In 45 days of the experiment were obtained 30.23 L and 7.05 L of methane respectively. At 5 days germinated seeds in fertilized plots, reaching 32 cm in height at 45 days , being harvested for use in food preparation Key words: solid waste; biogás; anaerobic digestion; biofertilizer.Item A caça de animais na comunidade quilombola custaneira, em Paquetá do Piauí: entre mitos e crenças.(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Sousa, João Victor de OliveiraThe present research has as objective to knowthe practice of hunting of animals of the regional fauna andthe relation with the sacred in the traditional marooncommunity Custaneira, inPaquetá do Piauí. It is proposed to report the influence of hunting animals,under the experience of the inhabitants of the Custaneira Community, / relating the hunting of animals in the community studiedwith the rational practice of using environmental resources,identifying animals that are hunted in the community through a review andpresent myths of hunters related to their beliefs.The research was made from the exploratory approach, with systematic observation, documentary research and ethnographic approach. For instrumentalization of the research, semi-structured interviews, participant observation and audiovisual recording were used. To provide theoretical support, we used authors such as Araújo (2011), Brandim (2007) Bernard (1994), (2013), CBRO (2015), among others.The study sought to observe the characteristics of hunting in the Custaneira Community, as well as the way of using the regional fauna and the relationship with the sacred in that community.Item Campesinato e campesinidade na vila Amazônia (Parintins/Am): um ensaio geográfico fenomenológico(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Tavares, Anderson de SouzaThe advances in techniques and technologies since the Industrial Revolution and powered by capitalism caused infrastructure changes in several rural areas. The peasant countryside, today, has acquired new meanings, leading the peasantry to build new identities. In this sense, theAmazoniaVillage, in the rural area of the municipality of Parintins, Amazonas state, appears as a concrete example of these changes in the contemporary peasant way of life, influenced by external agents that interfere in the way how the space is lived by the peasants. Since the end of the 20th century, the AmazoniaVillagehas become the target of changes in its infrastructure, absorving urbanistic configurations that become part of the daily life of the peasants of this locality. This work is theresult of investigations about the perception of space lived by the inhabitants of AmazoniaVillage, taking a phenomenological approach as a reference, considering peasantry as a way of life of these inhabitants, using the concepts of geographicity, proposed by Eric Dardel, and campesinity, proposed by Klaas Woortmann, through qualitative research over 18 months. As a result, we saw that the presence of urban settings in the living space of these residents strongly influences their ways of life, creating new habits and changing their ways of relating to the space lived.Item Conselho municipal de saúde de Parintins: quando o controle social incomoda a administração pública(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Medeiros, Alexandro Melo; Noronha, Nelson Matos deDuring the last three years (2013-2016) one of the authors of this article served as a counselor at the Municipal Health Council (CMS) of the city of Parintins/AM and this experience provided a series of reflections and philosophical, sociological, political and pedagogical questions. The presented data were collected following a methodological orientation of qualitative research, using as research techniques and instruments: field research, case study, documentary analysis, systematic observation and participant observation (once one of the researchers is a counselor of CMS/PIN) and semi-structured interviews. The presented data also reinforce the debate provided in different researches that identify numerous obstacles for public policy councils to fully exercise their functions, such as: lack of autonomy and organization of the Council, physical structure, coronelist and clientelist politics, political-partisan influence, low technical qualification of counselors representatives of civil society and even lack of participatory interest in society at general. Among the many problems that exist in the dynamics of the CMS/PIN, the most serious aspect pointed out in this research is the authoritarian way in which public management acts to prevent the CMS/PIN from fulfilling its function: the more the Council exercised its role of Social Control and supervision of public management, more obstacles he has had to face over the last few years, culminating in its closure due to lack of structural and organizational conditions of operation. Key-words: Social Control; Oversight; Coronelism; Health Council.Item Cultura e identidade quilombola: narrativas orais sobre as festas populares e o processo de emergência étnica na comunidade de santa Tereza do Matupiri, Barreirinha - Am(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Rocha, João Marinho daThis text promotes a reflection on the processes of formation of ethnic identity in Andirá, quilombo River Matupiri. Proposes to understand the forms and processes of knowledge created and driven by the subject to build this new ID. For this, we have chosen to review the ways in which the culture, through the festivals is thrown to indicate quilombola Identity processes. Analyses of oral narratives of quilombo, were based on the methodology of Oral history (MEIHY, 2005), (MEIHY and NETHERLANDS, 2011), indicate among other issues, alongside other processes and forms of spaces and times of social arrangements that assist in membership of certain spaces and physical, social and cultural times. Such subjects shall resign their socio-cultural practices and assigning new and varied ways and meanings that apparently realize their ancestry and contemporaneity related to resistance to logic of capital deployed on Amazon. It is in these and from these worlds of everyday practices that meshes the subject, rather than the State or religious, indicate the elements that make up his new ID Étnicono Andirá, quilombo River Matupiri. Keywords: Ethnic identification; Andirá River; Matupiri Quilombo.Item Discutindo e visualizando identidade numa miscelânea de fazeres: a cidade de Manáos ao final do século XIX(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Braga, Bruno MirandaIn this article we will present some characteristics of what it was hybrid, mixed culture of the city of Manáos the end of the nineteenth century and the advent of the twentieth. During this period, the city was experiencing the urbanizing and political surge provided by the economic boom of the rubber economy. In their doings, the elite enriched tried to use import tastes and habits, knowledge and practices, to strip the city of its Indian status and cabocla. However, we see that many of these activities and knowledge were intertwined and incorporated into native, properly indigenous complexion, featuring a hodgepodge, a large mosaic of ways of living. Present as the meeting of the foreign culture with native, formed a peculiar type in the middle of the Amazon Jungle, in the progress of the century. Keywords: Manáos; City; Cultural hybridity; knowledge; practices.Item Ensino da morfologia das folhas na educação básica em escola estadual do Município de Parintins(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-06-26) Santos, Sandra Duque dos; Araújo, Joeliza NunesIn this paper we evaluate the implementation of a didactic sequence for the meaningful learning of leaf morphology with students of Basic Education. The didactic sequence was carried out in formal space (classroom) and in non-formal space (natural environment) through didactic strategies different from those that students experience in school every day. The methodology of the research is qualitative. We used as instruments for data collection the bibliographic research and didactic sequence that was carried out in five moments: walking on the trail, collection of excicates, text production, album assembly on leaf morphology and construction of conceptual maps. The texts produced revealed learning about plant diversity, plant morphology with emphasis on leaf morphology and plant physiology. The conceptual maps analyzed show hierarchical relationships between concepts of plant diversity treated during the didactic sequence. The Ausubelian principles of progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation are present in the maps constructed by the students surveyed. Therefore, the implementation of the didactic sequence was relevant for the meaningful learning of the leaf morphology and can contribute to the development of the scientific education of the students of Basic Education. Key words: Botany teaching. Meaningful Learning. Didactic sequence.Item Ensino da Morfologia do caule em escolas da educação básica(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-12) Silva, Leyce Alcântara da; Araújo, Joeliza NunesThis paper had the objective of evaluating the implementation of a didactic sequence for the significant learning of stem morphology with students of Basic Education. The didactic sequence was carried out in formal space (classroom) and in non-formal space (natural environment) through didactic strategies different from those that students experience in school everyday. The methodology of the research is qualitative. We used as tools for data collection bibliographic research and didactic sequence that was carried out in five moments: walking on the trail, collection of stem types, production of text, assembly of a collection of stems and construction of conceptual maps. The accomplishment of the didactic sequence resulted in the students' interest in learning significantly about biodiversity, vegetation and their interrelationships with other living beings. In the walk along the trail we provide students with greater contact with plant diversity in the living laboratory, especially with the stem morphology. Textual production and conceptual maps revealed significant learning about stem morphology. Coherentpropositions and hierarchical organization of concepts were presented in concept maps. We conclude that there was been a systematization between students' previous knowledge and the new knowledge. Therefore, through the implementation of the didactic sequence for the significant learning of the stem morphology, one can contribute to the development of the scientific education of the students of Basic Education. Key words: Botany teaching. Significant learning. Didactic sequence.Item Entre ciganos e índios: comparativo das políticas públicas do Brasil e da União Europeia para as minorias(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Cesarino, Frederico Nicolau; França, Eriana TorquatoGypsies represent the most representative minor ethnic group among the European Union. They are considered the most unpleasant guests at several countries, not only in Europe, and they live under a prejudice and social exclusion atmosphere. It happens mostly due to their continuous mobility and their private way of life. Public policies proposals for the EU are not well received by the member-countries societies, despite the politic efforts for it. Meanwhile, in Brazil, ethnic minorities are pleased by social policies which helps the country flows a no-conflict-environment. Immigrant social policies used in Brazil, since 2003, could be applied with adaptations in the European continent for the countries’ policies conduction. This paper presents a parallel between the dominant societies’ relationships with two minority groups: The European Gypsies and the Brazilian native Indians. After this parallel this paper presents suggestions for the policies conduction to be applied at the European Union, for the gypsies subject, and based under the Brazilian example of social policies conduction. Keywords: European gypsies; social policies; Brazilian traditional groupsItem Entre tambores e devoção: expressão de um catolicismo negro na Amazônia Amapaense(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-07-05) Antero, Alysson BraboThis work aims to investigate expressions of Afro-Brazilian religiosity in Amapa-Amazon. For that, a cultural and religious manifestation related to the afrodescendant population of the State of Amapa was analyzed, namely, the Marabaixo Circuit. Thus, allied bibliographic and field research through the ethnographic method. It was thus found that the Marabaixo in Macapa, for bringing together ludic and religious moments as part of a single ritual, did not depend on the approval of the church to happen and print, in devotion, Afro-Brazilian elements such as the drum, the dance, among others, is an expression of black Catholicism in the Amazon. The relevance of this study is to recognize that traces of Afro- Brazilian religiosity are not restricted to stage religions, but also to value the legacy of the Afro-descendant population in the religiosity of the population of the State of Amapa and to increase the available knowledge about expressions of religiosity Afro-Catholic in the Amazon. Keywords: Religiosity; Marabaixo; Black Catholicism.Item O espaço sob um olhar especial: a alfabetização cartográfica através da caracterização do espaço geográfico dos alunos deficientes intelectuais e com dificuldades na aprendizagem do município de Iranduba-AM(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-25) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Matos, Suelen Da Silva; Santos, Laila Fernanda dosThis article is the product of the Academic Productivity Program of the University of the State of Amazonas, and is also part of the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - PIBICT, which aims to work and analyze cartographic literacy with students with learning difficulties and intellectual disabled in the municipality of Iranduba, describing the pedagogical practice of Geography teachers, regarding the Cartography activities carried out and presenting suggestions for teaching resources and pedagogical practices for the teaching of Geography. For this, with the assistance of the Municipal Education Secretariat, two educational institutions were chosen for the development and implementation of the project, namely: the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and the municipal School Santa Luzia. The research started from an interview with the school manager, to learn how the routine of students and teachers is fragmented; whether teachers use didactic materials to improve classes and how cartography activities are carried out with students. There were also activities with games in the class of students with intellectual disabilities, in order to obtain a diagnosis identifying the degree of difficulty of each student. Keywords: Geography teaching; Cartography; Intellectual Disability.Item A Festa como espaço de interação na Obra Educativa Salesiana(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-08) Silva, Rosângela Siqueira da; Oliveira, Samara de MagalhãesThis article examines the characteristic of the religious feast on the basis of the Silesiana pedagogical proposal in the context of modernity and new paradigms in the individual / society relations, as well as the religious mobility of João Melquior Bosco, which points to actions and motivations in educational field Which somehow make the perception of social problems as individual problems. In the context of Salesian pedagogy, as an edu-cation of an inclusive dimension, that is, the one that has the function and disposition based on Christian values, of affectivity that converge to the integral valorization of the family, is still a deeply important model in Brazil. And in some way we could say that the dimensions between contemporary religious festivals and educational action pro-foundly influence the construction of new identities. Keywords: Party; Religious; Salesian Pedagogy.Item A floresta entre edificações e religiosidade(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-03-07) Montysuma, Marcoshis article aims to discuss aspects of religion as popular culture as it is practiced by rubber tappers in the region around the city of Xapuri, in the State of Acre, Brasil. These communities have a close relationship with the forest, that provides rubber tapping as part of the local economy as well as animal protein to families. This relationship is supported and intermediated by deities, such as Caboclinho da Mata (the Father of the Forest), that are part of the ecosystem in which these groups interact. The research was performed following methodological procedures of Oral History, collecting the data through the re-cording of interviews with members of those communities. Key-words: Forest; Religiosity; Seringal; Oral History; Memory.Item Formas de percepção da natureza na cidade de Parintins nas décadas de 1940 -1950(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Santos, Alem Silvia Marinho dosThis article discusses the relationship with nature in the city of Parintins in the 1940s-1950s, based on another imperative, marginal orality, showing other forms of perception of environmental changes that occurred, experiences, a history stored only in memories that begin to be unveiled here. The article discusses the forms of relationship between individuals and human groups and the natural environment in theParintins city. The methodology points out the perspectives of Oral History as a way to deepen knowledge about a given reality. The reflections on this panorama emerge through the narratives that are understood in an everyday articulation of man and nature, through the memory ofthe oldest residents of the city. The results achieved demonstrate a city that has undergone complex changes and that still remains in the midst of ruptures and permanence in contemporary societyItem Gestão de segurança na organização e produção de eventos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Martins, Ronisley da SilvaThis article aims to describe the diagnostic and planning tools for the Safety Management Events, as well as measures for prevention of emergency occurrences. The methodology consisted in specific literature for the purpose of pointing theories, techniques for security to event professionals, giving a systemic vision of the set of safety procedures, in order to identify the risk of accidents, and this point as primary tool of events preliminary Risk Analysis. Keywords: Management; Security; Events.
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