Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA

URI permanente desta comunidade

A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    O olhar de alunos com deficiência intelectual sobre a cartografia do seu mundo
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-07-23) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Silva, Suelen Matos da; Santos, Laila Fernanda dos
    artography is present in people's daily lives and helps in locating, moving and understanding space in its specificities. Cartographic literacy occurs from the domain of codes and symbols of this language. People with intellectual disabilities need different activities so that they can fully understand and master this language. This study aims to analyze the pedagogical practices of teachers in the early grades at a school that serves this audience. The study is relevant because it contributes to the understanding of the reality of pedagogical practice in the teaching of Geography, from the perspective of inclusion using differentiated resources, and it also elaborates pedagogical activities of cartography that assist teachers in classes. The research has a qualitative approach and its action research method is the procedure, with bibliographic and documentary surveys, interviews, workshops with teachers and practical activities with students. The results show that teachers have difficulties in elaborating specific cartography activities because there are no maps about the municipality easily available. For teachers, games helped students to learn, arousing interest in content, attention and participation in classes. Cartography teaching needs to stimulate the senses and make students with intellectual disabilities realize the dimensions and representations of the space in which they live. Keywords: Cartography; Games; Special education.
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    O espaço sob um olhar especial: a alfabetização cartográfica através da caracterização do espaço geográfico dos alunos deficientes intelectuais e com dificuldades na aprendizagem do município de Iranduba-AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-25) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Matos, Suelen Da Silva; Santos, Laila Fernanda dos
    This article is the product of the Academic Productivity Program of the University of the State of Amazonas, and is also part of the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - PIBICT, which aims to work and analyze cartographic literacy with students with learning difficulties and intellectual disabled in the municipality of Iranduba, describing the pedagogical practice of Geography teachers, regarding the Cartography activities carried out and presenting suggestions for teaching resources and pedagogical practices for the teaching of Geography. For this, with the assistance of the Municipal Education Secretariat, two educational institutions were chosen for the development and implementation of the project, namely: the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and the municipal School Santa Luzia. The research started from an interview with the school manager, to learn how the routine of students and teachers is fragmented; whether teachers use didactic materials to improve classes and how cartography activities are carried out with students. There were also activities with games in the class of students with intellectual disabilities, in order to obtain a diagnosis identifying the degree of difficulty of each student. Keywords: Geography teaching; Cartography; Intellectual Disability.
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    Onde está minha cidade? Um estudo sobre o ensino da geografia no ensino fundamental no município de Iranduba – Am
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-01-16) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Cursino, Alcirene da Silva; SIlva, Charles Moreira da; Evangelista, Henrique Aguiar de; Santos, Laila Fernanda dos
    This article presents a survey carried out in the municipality of Iranduba, Amazonas State, with teachers and managers of elementary schools, understanding how the teaching of Geography happens in the perspective of the study of the place. The objective were to analyze the teaching methodologies used by teachers, the process of teaching and learning Geography in the 3rd and 4th year of elementary school, in the municipal schools of Iranduba and identify the pedagogical practices of the teachers in the Geography classes in relation to the specific content about the city and the municipality. This research has a qualitative character, constitutes an action research, had as research techniques: bibliographic research; Documentary research; Application of questionnaires, interviews and participant observation. As main results, it was verified that the teachers, most of the times do not work the contents on the municipality in its totality for not having access to updated data on the subject. The lack of access to the specific contents on Iranduba makes it difficult for the student to understand the place in which he lives, his city, his place of living. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare textbooks adapted to the reality of each municipality, so that the student can read the world in which he lives in full. Key-words: Geography Teaching; Place; Interdisciplinarity.