Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA

URI permanente desta comunidade

A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    O teatro como instrumento de libertação e aprendizagem na comunidade Marajaí, Alvarães – Am
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Ribeiro, Daniel Siqueira
    The present work was carried out in the Marajaí community, in Alvarães, Amazonas state, Brazil, the result of a project called 1st Scenic Arts Minicourse in Indigenous Village Marajaí, whose objective was to teach classes with theories and body and linguistic exercises aimed at theater and interpretation, in addition to a series of classes that would last for a week, and a final presentation with the entire cast, presented to the local residents. The project included residents of the community itself, aged between fourteen and nineteen, ofboth sexes. During the activities provided for in the schedule, the class would discuss matters of theoretical knowledge about the theater, its origin and influence until the performance on stage, to be evaluated by the instructor. The methodology was guided by the bibliographical survey based on Lakatos (2013), Brandão (2006) and Strass and Corbin (2008), in addition to specific authors from the theater field such as Boal (2008), Demasi, et al (2011), Silva (2015 ) and Spolin (2008). The results obtained were satisfactory, as the students who participated in all classes and the final presentation demonstrated more security of themselves and mastered the art of acting.