Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA

URI permanente desta comunidade

A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    O teatro como instrumento de libertação e aprendizagem na comunidade Marajaí, Alvarães – Am
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Ribeiro, Daniel Siqueira
    The present work was carried out in the Marajaí community, in Alvarães, Amazonas state, Brazil, the result of a project called 1st Scenic Arts Minicourse in Indigenous Village Marajaí, whose objective was to teach classes with theories and body and linguistic exercises aimed at theater and interpretation, in addition to a series of classes that would last for a week, and a final presentation with the entire cast, presented to the local residents. The project included residents of the community itself, aged between fourteen and nineteen, ofboth sexes. During the activities provided for in the schedule, the class would discuss matters of theoretical knowledge about the theater, its origin and influence until the performance on stage, to be evaluated by the instructor. The methodology was guided by the bibliographical survey based on Lakatos (2013), Brandão (2006) and Strass and Corbin (2008), in addition to specific authors from the theater field such as Boal (2008), Demasi, et al (2011), Silva (2015 ) and Spolin (2008). The results obtained were satisfactory, as the students who participated in all classes and the final presentation demonstrated more security of themselves and mastered the art of acting.
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    Aulas de campo e o ensino da diversidade dos Miriápodes: uma experiência com alunos do 3° ano do ensino médio
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Júnior, Alex Aguiar Padilha
    The incorporation of experimental practical classesand field classes for learning the morphophysiological characteristics of animals are relevant for the meaningful learning of scientific concepts in Zoology. This work aimed to evaluate the contribution of a didactic sequence to the significant learning of concepts about Myriapods with students of Basic Education. The medology is qualitative. The bibliographic review and didactic sequence on the diversity of Myriapods based on Araújo (2014) were used as instruments for the development of the research. The texts produced revealed that there was learning about the diversity and characteristics of arthropods and the characteristics of myriapods, kilopods and diplopods. There was also a feeling of contentment from the students for participating in a field classon animals and reported on their difficulties in learning the technical names of the animals. The conceptual maps showed that the students were able to progressively differentiate the concepts treated in class. Therefore, the development of this research contributed to the scientific education and significant learning in Zoology of students in the 3rd year of high school at the participating public school.
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    Formas de percepção da natureza na cidade de Parintins nas décadas de 1940 -1950
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Santos, Alem Silvia Marinho dos
    This article discusses the relationship with nature in the city of Parintins in the 1940s-1950s, based on another imperative, marginal orality, showing other forms of perception of environmental changes that occurred, experiences, a history stored only in memories that begin to be unveiled here. The article discusses the forms of relationship between individuals and human groups and the natural environment in theParintins city. The methodology points out the perspectives of Oral History as a way to deepen knowledge about a given reality. The reflections on this panorama emerge through the narratives that are understood in an everyday articulation of man and nature, through the memory ofthe oldest residents of the city. The results achieved demonstrate a city that has undergone complex changes and that still remains in the midst of ruptures and permanence in contemporary society
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    Campesinato e campesinidade na vila Amazônia (Parintins/Am): um ensaio geográfico fenomenológico
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Tavares, Anderson de Souza
    The advances in techniques and technologies since the Industrial Revolution and powered by capitalism caused infrastructure changes in several rural areas. The peasant countryside, today, has acquired new meanings, leading the peasantry to build new identities. In this sense, theAmazoniaVillage, in the rural area of the municipality of Parintins, Amazonas state, appears as a concrete example of these changes in the contemporary peasant way of life, influenced by external agents that interfere in the way how the space is lived by the peasants. Since the end of the 20th century, the AmazoniaVillagehas become the target of changes in its infrastructure, absorving urbanistic configurations that become part of the daily life of the peasants of this locality. This work is theresult of investigations about the perception of space lived by the inhabitants of AmazoniaVillage, taking a phenomenological approach as a reference, considering peasantry as a way of life of these inhabitants, using the concepts of geographicity, proposed by Eric Dardel, and campesinity, proposed by Klaas Woortmann, through qualitative research over 18 months. As a result, we saw that the presence of urban settings in the living space of these residents strongly influences their ways of life, creating new habits and changing their ways of relating to the space lived.
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    A caça de animais na comunidade quilombola custaneira, em Paquetá do Piauí: entre mitos e crenças.
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Sousa, João Victor de Oliveira
    The present research has as objective to knowthe practice of hunting of animals of the regional fauna andthe relation with the sacred in the traditional marooncommunity Custaneira, inPaquetá do Piauí. It is proposed to report the influence of hunting animals,under the experience of the inhabitants of the Custaneira Community, / relating the hunting of animals in the community studiedwith the rational practice of using environmental resources,identifying animals that are hunted in the community through a review andpresent myths of hunters related to their beliefs.The research was made from the exploratory approach, with systematic observation, documentary research and ethnographic approach. For instrumentalization of the research, semi-structured interviews, participant observation and audiovisual recording were used. To provide theoretical support, we used authors such as Araújo (2011), Brandim (2007) Bernard (1994), (2013), CBRO (2015), among others.The study sought to observe the characteristics of hunting in the Custaneira Community, as well as the way of using the regional fauna and the relationship with the sacred in that community.
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    Monitoramento e avaliação da merenda nas escolas municipais urbanas e rurais em Nhamundá- Am
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2020-09-23) Filho, Antônio Aurélio de Souza; Silva, Clariane Pontes da
    This research aims to monitor and evaluate the snack offered within the National School Feeding Program to students from five schools developed by the Municipal Department of Education in the municipality of Nhamunda-Amazonas-Brazil, evidencing the physical characteristics of schools and food served to the school community.Check the hygienic conditions of the utensils used in food preparation and observe the application of the basics of hygiene and foodhandling.The methodology used is based on a qualitative approach and the methodological strategy of case study. The results of the investigation made evident the need to establish partnerships with the health surveillance agencies so that together they can set goals and conduct training of food handlers of the schools investigated, following the legal guidelines provided for in the Resolutions and Ordinances of the Ministry of Health, with booklets and food guidance guide. It is important that the school presents itself as a privileged space for health promotion, formation of values and healthy habits.
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    Programa de novos talentos: experiências e práticas interdisciplinares em escolas públicas de Parintins - AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-07-25) Santos, Adriano Márcio dos; Eleutério, Célia Maria Serrão; Castro, Franklin Roosevelt Martins; Carvalho, Mary Tânia dos Santos; Silva, David Xavier da
    This brief report presents the actions and interdisciplinary experiences developed within the framework of the CAPES New Talents Program in the teaching-learning process and the training of teachers and students in Basic Education in schools of the public network of the municipality of Parintins, Amazonas, through four groups of performance: a) Biology, Chemistry and Physics; b) Letters; c) Geography and History and d) Pedagogy. Initially, urban and rural schools with low IDEB were selected, the next strategy adopted by these groups consisted in collectively planning the workshops with the teachers of these educational units aiming to deepen the knowledge about the relationship between science, technology and society in space school and university education, and also interdisciplinary educational proposals were constructed in the Amazon context. Thus, it was possible to train and collaborate betweenuniversity and school, as well as the empowerment of teachers and staff involved with the Program in the use of new tools and technologies of multiletramentos. The New Talents Program sought to contribute to the increase of the school IDEB, the improvement of new teaching-learning methodologies, as well as to promote studies and academic work of students and university professors. Keywords: New Talents program; interdisciplinary experiences; thematic workshops.
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    O olhar de alunos com deficiência intelectual sobre a cartografia do seu mundo
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019-07-23) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Silva, Suelen Matos da; Santos, Laila Fernanda dos
    artography is present in people's daily lives and helps in locating, moving and understanding space in its specificities. Cartographic literacy occurs from the domain of codes and symbols of this language. People with intellectual disabilities need different activities so that they can fully understand and master this language. This study aims to analyze the pedagogical practices of teachers in the early grades at a school that serves this audience. The study is relevant because it contributes to the understanding of the reality of pedagogical practice in the teaching of Geography, from the perspective of inclusion using differentiated resources, and it also elaborates pedagogical activities of cartography that assist teachers in classes. The research has a qualitative approach and its action research method is the procedure, with bibliographic and documentary surveys, interviews, workshops with teachers and practical activities with students. The results show that teachers have difficulties in elaborating specific cartography activities because there are no maps about the municipality easily available. For teachers, games helped students to learn, arousing interest in content, attention and participation in classes. Cartography teaching needs to stimulate the senses and make students with intellectual disabilities realize the dimensions and representations of the space in which they live. Keywords: Cartography; Games; Special education.
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    O espaço sob um olhar especial: a alfabetização cartográfica através da caracterização do espaço geográfico dos alunos deficientes intelectuais e com dificuldades na aprendizagem do município de Iranduba-AM
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-08-25) Santos, Danielle Mariam Araújo dos; Matos, Suelen Da Silva; Santos, Laila Fernanda dos
    This article is the product of the Academic Productivity Program of the University of the State of Amazonas, and is also part of the Institutional Program for Scientific and Technological Initiation Scholarships - PIBICT, which aims to work and analyze cartographic literacy with students with learning difficulties and intellectual disabled in the municipality of Iranduba, describing the pedagogical practice of Geography teachers, regarding the Cartography activities carried out and presenting suggestions for teaching resources and pedagogical practices for the teaching of Geography. For this, with the assistance of the Municipal Education Secretariat, two educational institutions were chosen for the development and implementation of the project, namely: the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and the municipal School Santa Luzia. The research started from an interview with the school manager, to learn how the routine of students and teachers is fragmented; whether teachers use didactic materials to improve classes and how cartography activities are carried out with students. There were also activities with games in the class of students with intellectual disabilities, in order to obtain a diagnosis identifying the degree of difficulty of each student. Keywords: Geography teaching; Cartography; Intellectual Disability.
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    Inclusão Social na Amazônia. Perspectiva da teoria dialógica de Paulo Freire
    (Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-11-23) Palheta, Leila Maria Souza; Filipe, Marluce de Amorim; Campos, Manuel do Carmo da Silva
    The text presented here is about the Dialogicity of Paulo Freire, from his work entitled "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", which deals with the theme in its third chapter, highlighting relevant aspects of the Education Philosophy of the aforementioned author for the educational action in the educator-pupil relationship and vice versa, mediated by the world through generative themes and explicitly articulated with the community, including their yearnings with human meanings in search of their true liberation. This is what designed the Social Inclusion in Educational Process illustrated in the field research on the application of the Program “Rewriting the Future” in the Municipality of Maraã in the State of Amazonas. Keywords: Dialogicity; Release; Pedagogy of the Oppressed; Adult Literacy.