Marupiara: Revista Científica do CESP/UEA
URI permanente desta comunidade
A revista Marupiara é a revista científica do CESP/UEA, criada em maio de 2006, no formato impresso, por decisão dos professores da unidade e do Conselho Acadêmico com o objetivo de estimular e desenvolver o intercâmbio entre pesquisadores, docentes, discentes e profissionais atuantes nas diversas áreas do conhecimento, facilitando a aproximação entre o conhecimento científico e a comunidade de modo geral; fomentar o intercâmbio de informações e experiências no âmbito das diversas ciências com outras instituições nacionais ou estrangeiras, congêneres e estabelecer-se como canal de divulgação de estudos e progressos recentes nos campos das diversas ciências.
5 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Entre tambores e devoção: expressão de um catolicismo negro na Amazônia Amapaense(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-07-05) Antero, Alysson BraboThis work aims to investigate expressions of Afro-Brazilian religiosity in Amapa-Amazon. For that, a cultural and religious manifestation related to the afrodescendant population of the State of Amapa was analyzed, namely, the Marabaixo Circuit. Thus, allied bibliographic and field research through the ethnographic method. It was thus found that the Marabaixo in Macapa, for bringing together ludic and religious moments as part of a single ritual, did not depend on the approval of the church to happen and print, in devotion, Afro-Brazilian elements such as the drum, the dance, among others, is an expression of black Catholicism in the Amazon. The relevance of this study is to recognize that traces of Afro- Brazilian religiosity are not restricted to stage religions, but also to value the legacy of the Afro-descendant population in the religiosity of the population of the State of Amapa and to increase the available knowledge about expressions of religiosity Afro-Catholic in the Amazon. Keywords: Religiosity; Marabaixo; Black Catholicism.Item Saberes de cura e práticas corporais: pajelança na feira da Manaus Moderna(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2017-11-26) Castro, Mírian de Araújo Mafra; Cavalcante, Rubia Maria FariasThis study has sought to know the experience of a benzedor/puxador (faith healer) of indigenous origin in the context of the city of Manaus. The methodology used was The-matic Oral History. The instruments used for collecting data were: direct observation and semi structured interview with one faith healer that does the healing practices, ben-zeção/puxação, in the Feira da Manaus Moderna (Modern Manaus Fair). The discussion on the data collected approached the knowledges practiced by the faith healer according to healing (blessing) and religiosity aspects, ancestral knowledge, and puxação practices in a city context. The concluding analysis points to the necessity of knowing and valuing the knowledges and practices of the benzeção/puxação and their benefits to the well-being of those who seek such treatments in favor of their physical/mental/spiritual health, which are considered as alternative compared to traditional medicine developed in the West. Although the indigenous and cabocla pajelança has been persecuted through centuries of colonization, this healing practice persists and still makes its presence in Manaus, capital city of Amazonas. Keywords: Indigenous pajelança; Benzeção and religiosity; City.Item Religião Católica: fronteiras e símbolos do sagrado de entre-lugares Amazônicos(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-03-14) Lima, Geórgia PereiraThis paper focuses on presenting men’s and women’s social experiences in in-between places of the borderlands between Brazil and Bolivia, in the symbolic field of the sacred in Plácido de Castro (Acre/Brazil) and Santa Rosa del Abuná (Pando/Bolivia). These bor-derland spaces produced complex elements of culture (Bhabha, 2005) and of religiosities that enable analysis of the recreations of the social, cultural, religious and plural universes of that binational borderland. The processions of the “Bom Jesus do Abunã” (Acre) andof the “Virgem de Santa Rosa” (Pando), held by the catholic faith, indicate that the church presents itself as one of the cultural and religious references that transposes borders, ex-trapolating the geopolitical limits of Latin-Amazonic countries. However, this catholic universe also makes it possible to see the interactions and the influence of national bor-ders. Thus, we indicate that the continuity and discontinuity of borders and religions ex-poses, under the symbol of the sacred, which is manifest through the faith on part of the devotees and of the processions offered to saints from those places, the in-between place of catholic religion as a symbolic border (Bauman, 2001). Keywords: Brasivianos; Symbolic border; Virgem de Santa Rosa; Religiosity.Item A floresta entre edificações e religiosidade(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-03-07) Montysuma, Marcoshis article aims to discuss aspects of religion as popular culture as it is practiced by rubber tappers in the region around the city of Xapuri, in the State of Acre, Brasil. These communities have a close relationship with the forest, that provides rubber tapping as part of the local economy as well as animal protein to families. This relationship is supported and intermediated by deities, such as Caboclinho da Mata (the Father of the Forest), that are part of the ecosystem in which these groups interact. The research was performed following methodological procedures of Oral History, collecting the data through the re-cording of interviews with members of those communities. Key-words: Forest; Religiosity; Seringal; Oral History; Memory.Item A Festa como espaço de interação na Obra Educativa Salesiana(Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2018-01-08) Silva, Rosângela Siqueira da; Oliveira, Samara de MagalhãesThis article examines the characteristic of the religious feast on the basis of the Silesiana pedagogical proposal in the context of modernity and new paradigms in the individual / society relations, as well as the religious mobility of João Melquior Bosco, which points to actions and motivations in educational field Which somehow make the perception of social problems as individual problems. In the context of Salesian pedagogy, as an edu-cation of an inclusive dimension, that is, the one that has the function and disposition based on Christian values, of affectivity that converge to the integral valorization of the family, is still a deeply important model in Brazil. And in some way we could say that the dimensions between contemporary religious festivals and educational action pro-foundly influence the construction of new identities. Keywords: Party; Religious; Salesian Pedagogy.