O Lúdico como ferramenta de desenvolvimento social, cognitivo e psicomotor na Educação Infantil

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The Course Completion Work (TCC) presents the result of a research exploratory, which arises, firstly, from the researcher's curiosity when observing the way how playing directly interferes with children's cognitive development, and how this helps them to externalize what is happening internally, as well as to identify the importance of these activities within the school context, considering that these games contribute to the teaching and learning process. Also due to the need to know better the reality of Early Childhood Education classrooms in Tabatinga. This job has as objectives to describe the importance of play as a tool for social development and psychomotor in children in Kindergarten. Observe if the ludic is worked and from what form in the classroom, and report the difficulties that the teacher of Early Childhood Education encounters to carry out their educational practice with the use of play. The research is of a qualitative nature, and had the help of theorists such as (GIL, 2002, 2008) and others. For data collection, the main resource was a questionnaire containing 9 questions addressed to 6 teachers from early childhood education, morning shift at the Gilberto Mestrinho Municipal School. It concludes, for through the answers that the interviewees see ludicity as an integrating part of teaching and inseparable from educational work within the school space. Entertainment is part of society since the most ancient civilizations, and the teachers believe that ludicity can develop in the child skills that enable greater interaction with the environment in which live, and also work your body and your mind, that is, it is an instrument that cannot being out of the teachers' planning to work on motor and social issues.





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