Os últimos falantes da língua Munduruku do Amazonas :habitus, dialogismo e invenção cultural no campo discursivo

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The general purpose of this paper is to document the discourse of the last speakers of the munduruku language of Amazonas, and it has as orientation three specific objectives: the first is to evidence the discourse enrolled in dialogism of the elderly through the analysis of the habitus; the second is to demonstrate how the discourse of the last speakers of the munduruku language of Amazonas ends up being constituted as a historical and symbolic capital in the political field; finally the third is to delineate the cultural invention in the discursive field as a strategy of resistance of the munduruku people in the ethnolinguistic scenary. The corpus is composed of ten interviews, whose content is circumscribed to the language and history of the munduruku language. The main agents of the interview are the elderly people, the last speakers of the munduruku language of Amazonas. Interviews were also carried out with some indigenous leaders and authorities in the Linguistic and Ethnolinguistic fields in order to understand what these discourses have in common and how dialogism is outlined in them. In regard to the methodology, this research included both bibliographical and field research, therefore having a qualitative character. In the first stage, the bibliographical one, it was made a survey of what has already been written or published about the munduruku of Amazonas: single publications, newspapers, magazines, books, researches, monographs, theses, written or oral reports transmitted by means of communication, such as audiovisual recordings, among others. After the bibliographic research, the field research was started. The participant observation was adopted, in which the researcher joins the research group, in order to experience the habitus (system of provisions incorporated) of this group. The conclusion reached, given the evidences of the ten statements analyzed in this dissertation, states that cultural and discursive invention is a strategy that is inserted in the dialogical network of communicative action, constructed historically and dialectically and manifested in statements inscribed in the most diverse genres of the discourse and in the most different fields of social, cultural, political and ethnolinguistic activity, perpetuated by the habitus, set of dispositions incorporated. Keywords: habitus; dialogism; discursive invention; munduruku.





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