As modinhas de Marcos Portugal, publicadas entre 1792 e 1801 : fundamentos para a interpretação com base na análise retórico-musical, figuras de linguagem, schematas e tópicas

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


This research presents the theoretical foundation to the interpretation of ten modinhas from the portuguese composer Marcos Portugal (1762-1830), published in Jornal de Modinhas (1792-1795) and in Jornal de Modinhas Novas Dedicados às Senhoras (1801). Such foundation will be obtained from the musical contents included in the analysis, under the bias of four analytical criteria: the steps of rhetorical discourse, figures of rhetoric musical-language, topics and schematae. The modinhas belong to a music genre that was very popular, not only in Portugal, as well as in Brazil, from middle 18th century to the beginning of the 19th. The historical period which encompasses Baroque music ended around the 18th century. Due to the fact that the division of time in history does not occur in an exact manner, there is the possibility for us to analyze the modinhas with tools from rhetoric and topics. This way, whoever desires to interpret such oeuvre, will have resources to formulate their own interpretations. Keywords: Marcos Portugal, modinha, musical rhetoric, topics, performance.





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