Amplitude do Conceito Jurídico de Futuras Gerações e do Respectivo Direito ao Meio Ambiente Ecologicamente Equilibrado
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
This work deals with intergenerational legal relations instituted by article 225 of brazilian
Federal Constitution. That legal provision launches, in brazilian environmental law, a kind of
relation formed by intergenerational solidarity links, that connects different generations
around the defense and preservation of the ecologically balanced environment duty. Within
this theme, the work looks for the legal concept of future generations, presenting objective
criterions able to define the frontiers that set apart a present generation from a past generation
and a future generation. Considering that the mentioned constitutional provision refers to a
fundamental right − ecologically balanced environment −, and that this right is assured both in
favor of the present generation, as the future generations; there is a right colision in the
intergenerational field. Before this problem, the work presents decision techniques, criterions
and methods to resolve intergenerational rights colision, avoiding the annihilation of both
parts‟ rights: present generation and future generations. As a method, the work makes use of
an hypothetical nuclear accident case, supposedly ocurred in Brazil under the Federal
Constitution of 1988, to exemplifies the amplitude of environmental damages caused against
interests of future generations. Based upon official data produced by International Atomic
Energy Agency, the work shows which solutions the brazilian legal order offers to a kinf of
disaster whose effects can spread out along 310.608 years. The objective is to evidence the
amplitude and the limit of future generations right. Before this hiperdilated time extention,
typical of environmental matters, the work deals with an epsitemological problem known as
environmental law time paradox. To resolve this problem, the work proposes the
incorporation of space-time astrophysics concept by law theory, making use of the autopoietic
systems theory, developed by Luhmann and Teubner. As result, a decision technique emerges
at law disposal, able to conciliate the past, the present and the future, by means of
transgenerational sentences.