O IPTU e a tributação indutora como instrumento para o desenvolvimento sustentável
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Preserving and protecting the environment is the responsibility of the State, it being
understood Federal, State, Federal District and municipalities (Constitution, Article
23., VI and VII). It is therefore common competence of federal guardianship and
ensure environmental preservation, to be held in conjunction with the community
(CF, art. 225). Faced with the obligation imposed by the Constitution, the State needs
to use the means offered by the legal system to play the role of mentor to an
environmental policy that ensures protection of the environment. It is in this light that
the tax law becomes an instrument of environmental protection, as well as revenue
collection of the character, function inherent to adduce resources to the public
coffers, extrafiscal offers the function to induce or encourage conduct
environmentally sound. The tribute comes, then, to encourage economic agents to
environmentally friendly choices and discourage harmful practices. It is a policy of
encouraging the preservation founded in economic stimulus. By understanding this,
the tax can also assist in regional development and implementation of public policies.
Given the importance of the topic, a survey was conducted explanatory qualitative
approach, with a design focused on literature, whose purpose is to understand how
the tax law, tax law through the inductor, especially property taxes, can be an
instrument of protection and development of the artificial environment so that it will
reach the level of sustainability.