Fundamentos jurídicos da zona de amortecimento em terra indígena
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The objective of the work is the protection of the negative environmental impacts, resulting of
the adjacent area, on the environmental resources in indigenous land. Though a study about
the need of juridically implementation of the buffer zone in the indigenous land. The
indigenous land is not considered a territorial space destined to the environmental
conservation, however, it should provide to the indigenous society an environment
ecologically balanced. With that, the conservation is requested from their necessary
environmental resources to the indigenous well-being. The buffer zone in the indigenous land,
it should consist of the territorial ordination of its neigborhood for ZEE (Ecological-
Economical Zoning), in way to protect the indispensable environmental resources to the
indigenous societies. The buffer zone also tends to insert the indigenous lands in ecological
corridors, for the end of avoiding the insularization of the same ones. The impacts
environmental negative resulting of the area outskirts of the I spill of the indigenous land are
caused by antropic activities or by demarcation of the indigenous land, which can transform it
in a forest fragment. In conclusion it was observed that the juridical norms of environment
conservation the indigenista right and environmental factors bring juridical foundation for
implementing the buffer zone.
Key words: Indigenous lands, indigenist rights, buffer zone, territorial spaces especially
protected, Units of Conservation and environmental conservation.