Vozes e imaginários infantis: experiências e saberes sobre ciência na escola e no bosque da ciência
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
The present study aims to research the children knowledge and experiences in Science Education,
recognizing them as competent social actors, taking into account "their voices" and Children's
Cultures. Our goal is to analyze how the children voices and their cultures reveal their participation
in the experiences and knowledge about science in the School space and in the Bosque da Ciência
(ScienceWoods). This time, it was intended to share reflections about the children in their imaginary
and in the relationship with their peers in Early Childhood Education, as well as to highlight some
childhood conceptions, considering their interactions in the school as a pedagogic environment and
in the non formal space, listening their voices and observing their reactions. In an attempt to reveal
the importance of these reactions, we sought the contribution of the Sociology of Childhood with the
qualitative approach and based on the participant research carried out in a CMEI, Centro Municipal
de Educação Infantil (Early Childhood Education Municipal Center) with children of the 2nd period
and the class teacher’s participation. The research wasdone with participant observations and the
instruments of data collection were the field notebook, voice recorders and photographic cameras for
children records with their peers and with the adults, be it in the School space, on the way to the
Bosque da Ciência (ScienceWoods), in the forest itself and in return to School. We aim to deepen the
study of Children's Cultures, with a view to a better understanding children's interactions with their
peers and their ways of being and being in the spaces studied. Children should be regarded as actors
in the full sense and not simply as beings in becoming. In this sense, children are at the same time
producers and actors processes social, among others.
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