Bioprospecção na Amazônia: um mapeamento sistemático dos recursos biológicos e genéticos

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


Chapter presents a brief contextualization of the topic in question - Bioprospecting - addresses concepts related to the theoretical constructions of biopiracy and also biodiversity. In addition to the general concepts, it presents the North Network of Repositories and the repositories that were collected. It points out the methodology used and the research outline, resulting in a bibliometric mapping of the theme. At the end, the analysis of the results will be exposed, pointing out which resources were guidelines for scientific studies in the North Region.



GALVES, Jeane Macelino; OLIVEIRA, Diná Almeida de e CORREIA, Kelly Bárbara dos Santos. Bioprospecção na Amazônia: um mapeamento sistemático dos recursos biológicos e genéticos. In: Sustentabilidade informacional em ecossistemas de conhecimentos Manaus: EDUA, 2021. E-book. disponíel em:



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