Teoria, percepção e criação musical: nível 1A: material do(a) estudante

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


"Music Theory, Perception and Creation - Level 1A"; is the first volume of a series of four that brings contents and exercises in music theory, ear training, and solfege alongside music creation projects that seek to integrate theoretical learning with music practice. Developed by teachers from the Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA), this material is meant to be used with children and teenagers from nine years old on and can be adopted by music theory and ear training teachers, but also in instrument or musicalization classes. Each volume is divided into four sections (Music Theory, Ear Training, Solfege, and Music Creation), which have exercises graded in difficulty and that were developed and improved over years of experimentation in classes from UEA extension courses. The book's sections should be combined so that the learning of theory, ear training, and solfege occurs in a way connecting practice and listening, that is, therefore, more meaningful to the students. The "Student Book" has explanatory texts and exercises, and is also richly illustrated with pictures that can be painted by the student. This material can be freely downloaded from the internet and printed on a home printer. Also included in this volume are the "Teacher's Book" and the "CD 1A".






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