O uso das TIC no ensino remoto, na formação de professores de matemática no CESPUEA: dificuldades e desafios.
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
In this article we present the results of a research that aimed to analyze the difficulties and challenges in the use of ICT, in remote teaching, in the degree in Mathematics at the University of the State of Amazonas, Center for Higher Studies of Parintins (CESP-UEA). The research is qualitative in nature from the perspective of Creswell (2016), with bibliographic research, application of a questionnaire according to the guidelines of Marconi e Lakatos (2003). The results obtained were that the difficulties in using ICT, in remote classes at Cesp, are related to distractions at home when studying on the cell phone; the difficulties of dealing with technology; poor internet signal, etc. The challenges are in the low quality connection; learning new technologies by themselves; different learning environment; interaction with professors is superficial; Socioeconomic conditions of some academics in accessing ICT.
VIEIRA, Rosiane Cunha. O uso das TIC no ensino remoto, na formação de professores de matemática no CESP/UEA: dificuldades e desafios. 2022. 20f. TCC (Graduação em Matemática) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins.