Levantamento de Macrofungos Amazônicos na Comunidade de Santa Luzia do Macurany no Município de Parintins-AM
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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas
Fungi and their metabolites are used as an alternative for application in the most diverse areas, with applications in biotechnology, medicine, the environment, and agriculture. The Amazon, one of the richest biomes on the planet, harbors an exuberant biodiversity, including a vast range of macrofungi. Despite their ecological importance and biotechnological potential, these fascinating organisms are still little explored. The present work aims to conduct a survey and identification of macrofungi in the community of Santa Luzia do Macurany, in the municipality of Parintins/AM, between November 2023 and April 2024. The methodology was based on an investigative approach carried out in the natural environment, consisting of collection, identification, storage, and incorporation into the didactic collection of macrofungi of the Mycoteca do CESP/UEA. The results of the present research showed that 93 macrofungi were identified, of which 84 species belong to the phylum Basidiomycota (90.32%), 8 species belong to the phylum Ascomycota (8.60%), and 1 species belongs to the mold fungi, of the order (1.07%), which demonstrates that there is a great biodiversity existing and there are still few studies developed when compared to the quantity of existing microorganisms. It should be noted that in Brazil, the quantity is quite expressive, but little studied when compared to other countries.
MOURÃO, Rizelma Ramos. Levantamento de Macrofungos Amazônicos na Comunidade de Santa Luzia do Macurany no Município de Parintins-AM. 2024. 83f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024
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