Levantamento florístico de briófitas na área urbana no município de Parintins - AM

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The group of the bryophytes are the second group in the word of the plants, they are cryptogamic plants, simple, without conductive vessels and are very important bioindicators of the environment. In the city of Parintins, 66 bryophyte samples were collected 46 of the collected mosses wich are distributed in 5 families and 5 genera and 20 liverworts in 2 families and 2 genera, based on the data, the Bryophyta group (moss) has the highest frequency of abundance in relation to the Marchantiophyta (Hepatic) group. For the substrate, the most abundant was corticola, found in almost all samples, and during the rupicolous and terrestrial plants, showing that they have a high capacity for adaptation and proliferation.



LIMA, Andresa Lopes.Levantamento florístico de briófitas na área urbana no município de Parintins - AM. 2024. 63f. TCC (Graduação em Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas) - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, Parintins. 2024



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