Arte de diversidade no ensino fundamental: eixos demarcadores da dança-educação no plano didático pedagógico do 6o ano de uma escola pública

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Universidade do Estado do Amazonas


The research addresses dance-education and cultural diversity as a content of Basic Education foreseen in government documents and proposes to analyze the dance-education and cultural diversity nexus proposed in the 6th grade Annual Teaching Plan of the Maria Auxiliadora dos Santos Azevedo Municipal School, confronting the legislation. . We tailor the proposal from: 1- emphasizing in the legislation dance and cultural diversity as class content; 2- highlight the categories culture, art and dance in the Pedagogical Political Project; 3- enumerate the cultural and artistic actions proposed in the Pedagogical Teaching Plan. From the epistemological point of view we have a basic and exploratory-explanatory research and the technical procedures point to the documentary research because it handles materials that will require analytical treatment, although it relies on qualitative data obtained through conversations involving the manager, art teacher and the researcher. In the final considerations we present the inability of the school to deal with the theme and contradictory or cloudy issues in the legislation, reinforcing the neglect of working the dance as a compulsory curricular component in the formation of the individual. Keyword: dance, art, education, cultural diversity.





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